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Beryl Payton

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It's over, I have lost the battle
2/23/2008 5:18:18 AM

Hello Dear Friends,

Well, come Friday February 29th it looks as if this battle will be over.  This is so hard for me to write right now, because I cannot stop the tears in my eyes as my heart is truely breaking, more and more each minute.

Most of my friends online knows of the battle I have been going through to gain custody of my 3 young neices, 1, 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 years old.  I started my hosting company in hopes of being able to make some money online to enable me to be able to bring the
3 girls here to Kentucky and raise them.  But this has not happened for me. 

So on Friday, February 29th, the social workers will be taking my girls and separating them to different foster homes.  I can just imagine how terrified these babies will be, being torn away and placed with strangers.

I BELIEVE that with your caring assistance-this WILL happen.  This has all been preapproved through proper channels. Please pray for my girls and for me.


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Dimitra Bravou

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Re: It's over, I have lost the battle
2/23/2008 5:39:42 AM
Hi Beryl,

I'm so sorry to know about it. I don't even want to imagine your and the kids situation. What can I say? Patience? It's a word I don't like to use anymore. I only want to say let's God send to you the strength you need to surpass (if it's possible) this difficult situation.

My prayers are with you and the kids.



Peter Fogel

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Re: It's over, I have lost the battle
2/23/2008 5:58:13 AM

Hello Beryl,

I'm so sorry to hear that the decision has gone against you. I was certain that you'd continue to raise the children you love so much.

Strange things happen for strange reasons. There is no logic in separating children when there is a loving and caring family member that is battling to retain custody of them. 

There are no words to console you for your loss. I sincerely hope it's only a temporary loss and that there is some way for you to appeal this decision.

You and the kids are in my thoughts and prayers.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Sue Dietrich

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Re: It's over, I have lost the battle
2/23/2008 6:39:04 AM

Beryl you have not losted the battle. I will be posting a emergency prayer request right now. Keep the faith. God can do anything.

Keep me updated also


Beryl Payton

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Re: It's over, I have lost the battle
2/23/2008 8:42:27 AM

Hi Dimitra,

Thank you for your prayers for me and the girls.  I try to never second guess God, but at this point cannot understand his reason for allowing me and the girls to become so close and then turn around and yank them from me.

I love these girls as if I gave birth to them.  And I know they feel safe and loves me also.  I drive up and their little faces just light up so bright and they get the biggest smiles on their cute little faces.

They have even begun to call me mammaw in the past few months.  I am attempting to stay strong, but it is hard indeed.



This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams

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