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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 10:24:58 PM

Hi Kathleen,

What you say about Branka is true, I can attest to her having ESP (or something currently known by that name). As a child I used to play marbles with two classmates as we came back from school every day at noon down the Avenida Pardo in Miraflores, Lima, the Peruvian city where I live until now. What is incredible is, precisely yesterday I remembered both the play and my classmates as I was coming back home along that very same avenue. The squirrel might be a very small squirrel that another friend from the school had in his house at the time; however, my memories of that little pet are not very precise nowadays. But here comes the real incredible part: two or three days ago I was sitting in a sofa near a window in my living room reading the papers, it was a little before lunch time, when a big, long, very beautiful squirrel carefully stepped down the windowpane just in fromt of me using the grill bars as if it was a ladder. I suppose it had escaped from one of the apartments in the upper floors. The squirrel was such as I had never seen the like, its color was a brilliant white with only a long black streak of hair that run down the middle of its back and tail. I tried to find out who it could belong to but to no avail. It just dissapeared in a matter of seconds.

So there you have, if this had happened some centuries ago and Branka were openly showing her ES powers as she does now, she would very likely end her days burning on the stake.

Dear Cheryl,

In keeping with the zoological subject for now, here is a photo that I hope may qualify for this thread. Would you agree with me that the smile on the handsome face of the dog to the right is just unique? And what about the look of adoration in the face of his sweetheart on the left?



Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 10:42:30 PM

Dear Roger,

Well it seems I have made a big mistake here. As you may perfectly guess, this post was intended for another thread in another forum, Cheryl's forum, that I had opened simultaneously on another tag of my browser; I don't know how it has been that it ended here. I am terribly sorry, and I guess I had better go to bed now, as it is a little late now here; but not before I try to put a little order in the mess that I have unwillingly created.

I suppose I will have to copy and paste all of the post on Cheryl's forum now. :)

In a way, it has been like intruding at a party without invitation. Fortunately the house owner is a good friend of mine. I only hope no one will make much fun of this...

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/25/2009 10:52:24 PM

Dear Kathleen and Roger,

On second thought, I will leave it as is. I have just realized it is only the second part of my post that belongs to Cheryl's forum. It is obvious that I need a little sleep right now.

See you tomorrow,

Luis Miguel G.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/26/2009 2:40:22 AM

Dear Kathleen and Luis Muguel,

Now if Alain would ride in on his wooden (Marsian :))  horse, accompanied by Roger who is "doing something with the thread" ... whistling a nice song, I am sure that ALP would upgrade in The Virtual Kindergarten :) .

My ESP works out as a total independent of my will. Here it worked to support our inner kids (we really were toying in that my vision). But I have experienced some ridiculous, dangerous and also some other kind of the weird ESP episodes.

When I meet new people, if I spontaneously change my dialect ... I can precisely localise their roots (Balkan is a colorful variety of the dialects, nations and religions). Or, if I start to speak at home ANY language (including those for which I only have heard - even a few words of it) - it is always the sign that in next few days I`d meet someone from that spoken area.

Serving that gift is .... weird and sometimes very unpleasant thing to do, but I am sure no one ever asked me if I`d accept it (here, on our material level of acceptance). GOOD thing is that finally I have learned, whatever might be announced that way, NEEDS LOVE. So, WHATEVER I sense as an information of that nature, THE VERY SAME MOMENT I START FILLING IT WITH LOVE.

((youtube id="NzJ2NKp23WU"))((/youtube))

Again and always, love you all very much!



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Re: Sharing the beauty within
7/26/2009 4:32:09 AM

Thank you Marja,

I will take the advice you sent by PM.



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