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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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The Truth Must Out #2: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/14/2008 6:26:14 AM

A letter to our leaders


Dear AdLandPro members and friends

At the time I begun to understand the world I dreamt of a world full of goodness, human and social life, a world for a human to live in. Through the ages many scholars gave their ideas on how to make this world a Gods' Property, but all those up there in the top of the hierarchy, they do nothing more than to show us their wealthy status, their tiaras, their cadillacs and to tell us how they are chosen by God to lead us. They are mathematically destroying us therefore we all need to stay united and to start our fight back.

GOD did not give a Testament to anyone. He is eternal, immortal and it is not a need to leave a TESTAMENT. Only mortals leave a testament after them telling us how “their” property shall be shared.

A group of devilish people, all relatives more or less, decided to control our spiritual world by setting rules for us to follow. For them there is no religion, no God, no fear and they all are united in secret orders and communities, having their own society and their world.  

You may believe whatever you want the choice is yours. The life is yours too. When time comes you will respond for your soul.

My dream world should be like the Heavenly sounds of the video clip at the bottom.

Some days ago some very good friends and I we decided to start the TALK OUT and send our messages out to the world.

Catholic Divine and Spiritual Sounds
Click Above

A letter to our leaders

We have a few concerns that we would like to take up with you. I suggest you listen because you are few and we are many. You are supposed to be our leaders, and leaders are suppose to lead by example. If we were to follow your example we would all be dead by now. Lucky for human civilization, there are lots of us that don't follow your lead. The majority of you believers are beginning to wake up and that spells trouble for you and your plans. You have had your chance to do good for us and look how you performed. Your greed, hatred and lack of compassion has put the whole world in turmoil and you want us all to fight your battles for you once again. Your education system is a joke because it was meant to keep us down and dependent on you. We are all above that.

While you concentrate on your wars over oil and money, your people had learned to live without you and your manipulating ways. We are no longer afraid of your stories of terror because we know you are crying wolf again. You are trying to get us to fight your stupid wars again, well its not going to work anymore. You see, we all love our families and friends and thats why we choose to stay home with them. Safe from your made up wars and unjust deaths. I hope you feel alone and afraid, the same way the little children feel when their Mommy or Daddy doesn't return home from YOUR war. How do you feel killing all of these innocent people everyday for your profits?

This letter we write to you is announcing our retirement from your control. We will no longer do your dirty work for you. We will no longer look to you for guidance because you have proven to be a horrible teacher. We will no longer fight your wars because we all want peace in our life time and we know that war never solves anything. The people of this planet can live in unity and we will. We all have the right to live in peace without fear & control.

You need to reconsider what you are doing to us all as well as our planet. The people on this planet are ready for this, we can handle living in harmony, trust us to show you. More and more people are waking up everyday and soon you will have no choice but to see the world from our eyes. Why wouldn't you want what we want? Why wouldn't you want to live without stress and fear? It's not to late for you, you can finally fight for us all and become the leader we all want you to be. You can lead us all to a new world. A world without boundaries, where people can accomplish anything. A united world, where we are no longer individuals and we learn to live as ONE in harmony with nature. Be the leader to make a difference to humanity. It's a lot harder to be evil and dishonest than it is to be caring and compassionate. The choice seems simple doesn't it?

Live your life with respect for every living thing. Shift the way you view the world and your place in it. See what impact your are making on this planet and acknowledge if you are proud of your accomplishments. Now imagine what the world would be like without people like you; without people that share your same views. You are only a human living in a form filled world. You have no idea what you are actually capable of because you have be blinded since birth. Take off your blindfold and see the wonders that wait for you. I am a human as well, but I am full of light and love because I share the same light with all of the people on this planet. People with open hearts and hopeful wishes are watching your every move and we are waiting for you to feel the splendors of what happiness truly is.

The people of Earth

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ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/14/2008 6:28:16 AM
Notes By Forum owner

What does it means to accept God

“Be perfect, as your Father is perfect.”

“What the eye has never seen, the ear never heared, what even on human hard has never descended, was prepared by God for those who love Him."

„Blessed be thee of pure heart, for thou shalt see God“

New Testament

“…An entrace into an environment, which new from it's base, can never be accomplish without the terrors of the transformation...”

Pierre Teihard de Chardin

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Robert De Merode

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Re: PHILOXENIA: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/14/2008 7:39:40 AM

Hello Georgios,

Hmmm! not bad but, maybe just a little too general. Then again where do we start with the big mess? 9/11, or May '68, or 1917, or 1789 maybe somewhere further back? Truly it's hard to say, maybe with Adam and Eve? OK, just joking, but to quote P. Teihard de Chardin is to me definitely the wrong way to go, even be it in itself a coherent thought. J.J. Rousseau said very much the same thing, and even acted upon it! And we know what that led to.

Friendly yours.

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: PHILOXENIA: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/14/2008 9:35:26 AM
Bonjour Georgios!

Well done that man! Or should I say "Well done my fellow beings of love and light"?

Following what Robert said, I think you have to start off by being general, if not it may be too much of a shock for people to open up their minds and to start considering such issues.

I recently did some investigating of the "history" behind the French Revolution, as I live in France, and I was disgusted and horrified by what I have discovered so far.

The reason why I started to look into this was my search for freedom and my realization of the lack of liberty here in France with a number of things.

I am a free spirit and a being of love and light. I refuse to be manipulated. I've investigated a number of other issues too, but I'll say no more now. More detective work to do, when time allows!

Suffice it to say that I am well behind this message and will be putting a link in my forum, Mother Earth's Garden
and I've made a copy of the letter.

Thank you Georgios,

Angel cuddles,


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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA: We Are Against The Holy Conspiracy
6/14/2008 10:40:51 AM
Hello Robert!

Remember John Lennon! He was one the first simple people telling the truth right out either in quots or songs. They "managed" him but John is the fantasmagoric idol of great communities around the world who stopped fear those humanoids many times albino because the hold their positions by teeth and nails hiding the thuth and making scholars disappear when they feel threttened.

The supreme authority belongs to god and not to any diabolic people surving Shamael the real Satan.

Robert, you are young and will be there to see the great confrontation. They are ready to introcude to us their saviour. The Vatican already compromized and made alliance with them and together having no other way to convince us they are ready to release the AntiChrtist.

They, the conspiarcy, told us about the use of Pythagorean Numerology and now I make good use of it.

The Pope serves Satan. Did you read his Curriculum Vitae. I am not so sure this NAZI servant at that time is so pure that he can serve God and guide the rest of the world, neither can the highest rulers of the secret orders. We all can read their thoughts and everyday we share their human "CONTRIBUTION", Wars, Earthquakes, Tsunamies, Chemical Rains, Mind Control, Genocides, Discrimanation, etc, etc.

My language is speaking very clear.
If OMIKRON is "O" a circle 360 degrees the BENEDICTUS the Pope is the AntiCrist or his servant.

O=70, M=40, I=10, K=20, R=100, O=70, N=50 Total 360 = a circle = "O"
Β  Ε   Ν   Ε  Δ   Ι     Κ    Τ     Ο    Σ
2+5+50+5+4+10+20+300+70+200=666 the sign of the beast

What ever happens we will be friends respecting each other in faith and beliefs.

Happy Week End
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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