
Who is Donald Smith?

Donald Smith

Donald Smith
BirthdayFriday, June 28, 1946
Member SinceWednesday, July 7, 2004
Last ActivityWednesday, December 19, 2007
LocationAuburndale, Wisconsin, United States United States
About Me
About Me

"Helloo Peoples!"

I just wanted to let you know some "stuff" about me. I am 59 years of age; on my mother's side, I am 1/4 American Indian. And the interesting part about that is..I don't know which tribe. When my Mother's father came to Florida at the age of 13, he traded his Indian name with a White Man. And we haven't been able to figure out the tribe that he belonged to.


Presently, I have several companies that I am involved with on the 'net not because I don't believe in any of them, but if you remember the "Excel Experience", you will understand why I don't want to put all of my eggs in one "basket." I am also a Budgerigar Breeder(for those NOT in the know: Parakeet),and I cultivate Roses AND I love Coaching Men's FlagFootball(American style,of course!) I am the Father of 5,well, hey! when the Lord said,"Multiply", I took him seriously. Besides, it was fun! And I am the grandfather of 5 with 2 on the way..Now don't ask me what their problem is! Anyhoo. come over sometime and check out my sites. See if any of them will have an interest for you.


I hope to hear from you guys and look forward to meeting you at the intersection of Millionaire Blvd and Success Ave!

My Interests
My Interests (3)
Industries: Internet
Comments (10)
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Donald Smith - (12/16/2010 2:45:37 PM) : Well...Helloo Your Royal Highness! :) First, are we friends yet? Second, thanks for your comments. I completely agree with you. :)
Joelees Wholesale - (9/14/2007 2:31:58 PM) : Hi Donald,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Joyce Parker Hyde - (11/21/2006 9:43:46 AM) : Hi Donald,
I don't know football-but I know about Pat Tillman! My heart swelled so big at his loss when there are so many just draining the resources of their communities for their own selfish desires.
Oh, I don't like wars either (personally I think they are like a grown yup hitting a kid until he stops crying-duh!)

You have a great smile and exuberance for life that comes through the computer screen.
Ain't 60 GREAT!
Donald Smith - (11/21/2006 9:43:46 AM) : Hi Joyce!
Thank you soo much. Your comments are very much appreciated. And Yes..60 is wunnerful! WhooHoo!
Valoyd Jamison - (5/9/2006 5:44:32 PM) : very excited about your accomplishments,please visit me at
Donald Smith - (5/9/2006 5:44:32 PM) : Hi User! Thanks to you for your comments. I shall hasten over to check out the site. God Bless!
Donald Smith - (11/19/2005 9:15:20 AM) : Hi Ehis! Thanks for commenting. I really do appreciate it. God Bless!
Ambalavar Nalliah Sivanathan - (8/13/2005 9:10:36 AM) : Donald There is No doubt at all It's a very beautiful family photo.all smiles.
Donald Smith - (8/13/2005 9:10:36 AM) : Thank you! I think that they are the best in the world. And I am proud to be a part of them. God Bless!
