
Who is Donald Smith?

Donald Smith

Donald Smith
BirthdayFriday, June 28, 1946
Member SinceSunday, April 15, 2012
Last ActivityWednesday, December 14, 2022
LocationBartow, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

What can I say about me that will pique the interest of another? Hmmm...I am 64 years of age; I have 5 kids and 6 grands. I spent 4 years in the AF serving in Vietnam. I have several online entities that I am looking forward to having me propelled to the intersection of Millionaire Blvd and Success Ave.

I also play the organ, enjoy long,leisurely walks, discussing current and past events, breeding budgerigars, and bowling.

My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Alain Deguire - (5/26/2012 2:20:28 PM) : Thank You Donald for Joining The Busine$$ Succe$$ Group.I am glad to have YOU in! All The Best!
Nellie . - (5/26/2012 2:34:18 AM) : Hi Donald, Nice to know you. Nellie
Luis Miguel Goitizolo - (4/21/2012 2:04:53 AM) : Thanks for your kind invitation, I will be happy to be friends with you. Luis Miguel Goitizolo
Alain Deguire - (4/16/2012 8:53:51 PM) : Thank You Donald for your friendship! You have been welcomed here...
Ralph White - (4/16/2012 7:13:05 AM) : I hope that you are having a great day. When you get a chance visit this web site and down load a free book by Napoleon Hill titled "Think and Grow Rich". It's really free. No strings attached.
Cheryl Maples - (4/16/2012 4:46:41 AM) : Hello Donald, i wish you a warm welcome to our friendly community. I used to breed budgerigars! I had a pair of regular American that gave me violets. That was a while back. Much success to you, Cheryl


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