
Who is Leanne Watson?

Leanne Watson

Leanne Watson
Member SinceSaturday, September 1, 2007
Last ActivityThursday, January 7, 2010
LocationBox Hill South, Victoria, Australia Australia
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

  I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a business woman, a coach, a mentor and a lot more besides ...


My passion in life is to help people feel great for no particular reason at all, about themselves and their lives so they can play their game of life to the full and create the happy, fulfilling, balanced and abundant life of their dreams.



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Roger Macdivitt . - (2/15/2009 4:37:57 PM) : Leanne has a caring and loving nature.
Adland is a better place for her presence.
Leanne Watson - (2/15/2009 4:37:57 PM) : Thanks Roger, I feel really honoured that you've taken the time to say such kind things about me.
Closed Closed - (5/6/2008 12:42:22 AM) : Help Wanted

We are looking for people who are real sales reps. that have clients that want a product sourced and or manufactured.

We pay higher commissions because we manufacture at lower prices. We work with Inventors and start-ups, supply wholesalers and franchises.

Not You? Tell someone...
Have a LOOK
Ken Wolff - (4/22/2008 3:55:54 PM) : Leanne thinks like I do. Anybody that does that is totally awesome in my books. Ken
Leanne Watson - (4/22/2008 3:55:54 PM) : Thanks Ken, I'm sorry I didn't see this before now. It's such a nice feeling when you find someone who thinks the same way as we do, it gives that wonderful feeling of connection!
Gunther G. - (4/14/2008 12:09:13 PM) : Leanne. Thank you for being my friend. We share the same concept as you state on your About Me page. IMHO, YOU (the person) are an asset to everyone here at ALP that you call friend.

Consider yourself "tagged" as per my Friend to Friend for Friends forum.
Leanne Watson - (4/14/2008 12:09:13 PM) : Thank you for the feedback Gunther. I do appreciate the the warmth and kindness of the people here in Adland and you are a prime example of that.

And I'm honoured to have been "tagged" for your forum.
Joelees Wholesale - (3/18/2008 9:25:14 AM) : Hi Leanne,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Leanne Watson - (3/18/2008 9:25:14 AM) : Thank you for the comment and the rating Lee. I'm sorry about the tardiness of my reponse my life has been somewhat hectic of late so I don't always get to open every Adland email that comes in ... I open one and go to the places I know to go to from previous experience rather than opening them all.
What I'm finding is that there's more to this Adland place than meets the eye. Each day someone helps me to find out something new, which is a blessing.
So thank you for helping me find out about these rating things. I'll check it out and find out what I have to do to write on other people's.
Have an awesome day!
Joe Downing - (3/15/2008 12:47:35 PM) : Dearest Leanne,

When one reads your ABOUT ME, they will know exactly why I am providing the best feedback anyone could ever receive. You simply do things for the right reasons... to make others feel important and good about themselves. Wow! I feel very fortunate to have you as a friend and I wish everyone the same blessing. Keep smiling for it is full of love.

Your friend,

Joe Downing


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