Thank YOU!
For making me the 141st Person of the Week.
The better part of one's life consists of his friendships. - Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865, 16th President of the United States
***** NEVER sell a product or service. Sell YOURSELF. *****
- It's really the only thing that people (need to) buy. -
Although I'm mostly retired now the above is the premise I present in the occasional, real life, seminars, workshops and presentations I give in my very successful offline business. It's pretty much the most important thing to know about me. If YOU can understand that principle you'll have a very good chance at success in whatever Business Interests you may be involved in. What I am is a retired professional customer service, PASSIVE sales and marketing, advertising and promotion, "expert", with some 40 years of very successful, REAL LIFE, front line, experience in the field. It's the premise that has given me everything I will ever need in life.
An important sidebar for your benefit regarding AdlandPro:
Do you take pictures? Of course you do. Everybody does. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and when one is a one finger typist, as I am, that saves a lot of About me words to type here. Please have a look at my Picture Gallery which can tell you more about me than my words here. My Picture Gallery includes 3 winning pictures in AdlandPro's Picture of the Week contest - -. The BEST contest in all of ALP (IMHO
) because one has control over their own entry in the contest. Why not enter the "other" POTW contest - - yourself? The FREE EXPOSURE you receive here, and therefore for whatever opportunities you are involved with, makes it an excellent, easy, non-promotional, and FREE way to get yourself involved and better known to your friends here at ALP. Even if you don't enter your own pictures (I don't know why one wouldn't) be sure to VOTE and SEE what fantastic pictures the people here at ALP have taken. You also get known by virtue of the "VOTE POST" you can leave at the Picture of the Week forum. It's the BEST means of PASSIVELY marketing yourself in all of ALP.
#1 "TIP" in sales, self development, promotion, and marketing.
***** NEVER sell a product or service. Sell YOURSELF. *****
- It's really the only thing that people (need to) buy. -
Owner/Partner of -
GENGRO© Accounting and Business Consulting Services
GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991.
(psst, I'm 90% retired!)
Recently I was invited by the CEO and founder of the world's #1 self development website and motivational newsletters, David Riklan, to join his organization at drop by and have a look at
. and learn a lot more about me, you'll be glad you did.
While I am in truth a rather quiet and reserved individual that doesn't like to "blow his own horn" (so to speak) I considered it an honor to be asked and therefore have joined David at to LEARN and share ideas with the TOP self development EXPERTS, authors, writers, and public motivational speakers in the world. In turn I am more than willing to share what I learn with my friends here at Adlandpro.
I'm here to help my friends succeed in whatever it is they do with programs like the following, from my friend and eCommerce mentor, Mike Dillard, and his Magnetic Sponsoring programs.
- which is something anyone can relate to.
Here's another sidebar from working on your Business:
I'm not an environmentalist although I am of the opinion that mankind is mankind's worst enemy (not to mention what mankind does to their "homeworld"). So, you may be surprised that I'd like you to take a "time out" from working on your business to have a look at something that really made me think. Maybe it will make you think a little differently about some "stuff" too. It's NOT "Business" but it is certainly related. Please click on the image and enjoy the show.

Thank you for visiting and reading through my profile.