
Who is Nathalie Lalonde?

Nathalie Lalonde

Nathalie Lalonde
BirthdaySaturday, May 23, 1970
Member SinceSaturday, December 11, 2004
Last ActivitySaturday, June 23, 2007
LocationSaint André D'argenteuil, Quebec, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
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Paul Falardeau - (11/28/2005 12:10:42 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Ron Stouder - (9/14/2005 11:07:45 PM) : rating : because i believe it is correct.
hi nathalie,
i sent you an email, and am giving the program a try. i've had "some" realestate
success in the past and believe in it. ron s.
p.s. some of my existing stuff works too.
(lots of what i've been trying is weak)
Nathalie Lalonde - (9/14/2005 11:07:45 PM) : Thank you Ron. It means a lot to me. I honestly think you wont regret it. If you like that one maybe you should take a look at this one as well. It's not in realestate but it's going to be real big, believe me. Take a few minutes and see for yourself.

Bless you
p.s. I'll go take a look at your opps today as well.
Norm Bisel - (9/8/2005 1:30:47 PM) : Thank you for visiting my pages yesterday.

Norm !


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