
Who is Marge Sheotes?

Marge Sheotes

Marge Sheotes
BirthdaySunday, May 18, 1941
Member SinceMonday, March 7, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, May 22, 2007
LocationCrawfordville, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I live with my wonderful Hubby Richard, in North West Florida, 10 miles from the Capitol City of Tallahassee.  We live on the edge of a huge huge National Forest on 5 acres. I love looking out of any window and seeing beautiful trees and lots of creatures.  We have the fattest Possum you ever saw who raids our trash nightly. I call him "Oscar"


We are down from four Dobes to one Dobe and one Mini. Poodle, all from rescue. .


(Tara Dobe, is out in the dark barking, think Oscar must be visiting.)


We have  4 Children, 6 Grandchildren,  and 9 Great Grandchildren. Wish they lived closer, they are all in South Fl. where I was raised. seven hours away.


 I am very impressed with the  quality of the beautiful products. There are over 3000 to offer!

If we don't have something for you to give for your gift giving occassions, you won't findone anywhere else that has the collection or number of gifts I have.


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Ambassador John Sanchez - (2/8/2007 6:14:50 AM) : Hi Marge!

You rated me a 10 some time ago and I wanted to return the kind gesture. Sorry it took me so long to get here. Take care my friend!

Paul Falardeau - (1/10/2006 4:53:55 PM) : Hi Marge,

I look forward to working together towards our shared success. It's great to have you on my friend list.

Paul Falardeau
Marge Sheotes - (1/10/2006 4:53:55 PM) : Hi to The Granpa of the beauty.
I too am looking forward to having a beneficial and cooperative relationship with you and all others on this site.


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