
Who is George A Isaacs?

George A Isaacs

George A Isaacs
BirthdayThursday, July 2, 1959
Member SinceFriday, September 30, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, November 11, 2011
LocationUpington, Northern Cape, South Africa South Africa
About Me
About Me

I was Born in Upington in the Northern Cape, South Africa on a winter's night of July 2. I went to school in Upington untill grade 12. Studied medicine at the University of Cape Town and qualified in 1983. Did my Masters degree in Family Medicine at the University of Stellenbosch and returned to Upington to work in my own community in 1986.


I am in private practice for the past 22 years. I am the founder and President of The Chrurch of Grace and Mercy  in 2002. Currently there are 200 active members and the church is growing rapidly. I am married to a Gynaecologist from Cuba, who is a born again Christian too.


I have three lovely children from previous marriage (can be seen on my site My eldest daughter got married a few years ago. My middle daughter just finished 4th year law and the youngest son wil be 12 years old on Christmas day.


I am currently running a number of website that I have personally developed and maintain.


I am involved in many affilliate programs, but mainly do it for the love of it. My site is about providing information to the South African small business community and trying to make the sifting through information easier for the average internet entrepreneur.


I also provide links to trusted travel information sites via


My business page is


I absolutely love life and sleep very little. Dream a lot with my eyes open and enjoy beautiful things in life, such as the splendor of God's creation.


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Carrie Goetz - (1/2/2006 6:41:26 AM) : Thank You So Much For You Classified Offer

Carrie Goetz
George A Isaacs - (1/2/2006 6:41:26 AM) : You are so welcome Carrie. Please use it as often as possible and thank you for the rating.

Happy new year.

Paul Falardeau - (11/28/2005 11:42:07 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
George A Isaacs - (11/28/2005 11:42:07 AM) : Hi Paul,

It is great to be your friend. Thanks for the wonderful rating.

Kathy Hamilton - (11/27/2005 3:29:33 PM) : hello, welcome,your site is definatly different from all the rest,many blessings to you,kathy martin
George A Isaacs - (11/27/2005 3:29:33 PM) : Thank you Kathy. I hope you can make use of some of my sites some time. Thank you for the great rating.

god bless.



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