
Who is David Faciana?

David Faciana

David Faciana
BirthdaySunday, August 13, 1950
Member SinceMonday, August 23, 2010
Last ActivitySaturday, February 16, 2013
LocationStrongsville, Ohio, United States United States
About Me
About Me
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Comments (11)
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Ralph White - (6/27/2013 8:11:16 PM) : “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
R F - (8/22/2011 10:02:41 PM) : World-wide Opportunity! Dear Friend, We have something really special and significant to share with you today. Founders Wanted! * Division of 6-year old public trading company! * Groundbreaking and patented product! * Low start-up COST - $35.90 includes s&h! * Financial rewards for Founders! * The RIGHT business! * The RIGHT time! * The RIGHT opportunity! So, what
Freida Holcomb - (7/30/2011 2:18:43 AM) : Wishing you much success and prosperity! Check this out! Get Paid Every 24 Hours! No Recruiting - No Sponsoring! Earn Daily! Easy!! 5 to 6 Figures Realistic!
Pauline Smith - (4/5/2011 4:07:43 AM) : Hi Dave Welcome to Adlandpro. Have A Great Day, pauline
Willena Flewelling - (8/28/2010 2:19:54 AM) : Hi David, and welcome from Alberta Canada. This is a great place to connect with others. I hope you find what you are looking for. Have a great day! ~ Willena
Rick Corliss - (8/24/2010 11:54:40 PM) : David, Welcome from northeast Georgia. You have entered and become a member of a great community. I'm happy to be a friend, how 'bout them BUCS? Feel free to call on me if I can assist you. Rick
Diane And Phillip Runyan - (8/24/2010 9:27:23 PM) : Hi David, Welcome from Arkansas. It’s so good to meet you here. We are wishing you the best in all that you do. Diane and Phillip Runyan
James Mckenzie - (8/24/2010 8:58:45 PM) : Hi David, Your friendship is welcome here at AdlandPro and stay in touch, and I'm looking forward to networking with you. James
Wendell Breedlove - (8/24/2010 12:51:00 PM) : Hi David, Welcome to the Adland Pro community. It’s great to see you here and thanks for joining us. Have a Wonderful Day, Wendell
Ralph White - (8/24/2010 6:44:39 AM) : Hello fellow member. Hope you have a great day!!


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