About Me
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About Me
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I’ve been married for 29 years and am the mom of 7 great kids and a fine son-in-law. No grandchildren yet! Writing is my passion. I also enjoy reading, biking, wildflowers, birdwatching, and crocheting baby blankets for friends and family.
We lost our oldest son, who died in a vehicle accident one bitter cold and foggy night in December 2009. James (25) was a wonderful son, and best of friends with his 3 sisters an 3 brothers. We miss him sorely, but we know he is with the Lord he knew and loved.
When Ian retires, our youngest will be only 13, so it's vitally important that we replace his income before then. I was in and out of network marketing for 27 years with no success, before coming across the ebook, Success in 10 Steps. This time I KNEW I had found my answer. All those years I thought it was my fault I was failing. Now I know the real reason. It was NOT my fault. It wasn’t I who had failed... it was the system.
The ebook is free and generic. There are no ad links. No companies or products are mentioned... not even mine. There is nothing to buy... it’s just great information that will help you to get your business off the ground. Why not check it out for yourself!
Success in 10 Steps
If you like what you read, then I will plug you into our free training. At Mentoring For Free, we have more than ten training sessions per week. You can use as much or as little as you like, for as long as you like. And the training is always free.
Mentoring For Free... where we teach you HOW to think, not what to think!
My Interests
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My Interests
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