
Who is Vicki Stacy?

Vicki Stacy

Vicki Stacy
BirthdayWednesday, July 17, 1963
Member SinceSunday, March 25, 2007
Last ActivityThursday, June 21, 2007
LocationBluffton, South Carolina, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I am a Mother of (3) three boys, in which, one of them "Sal/25 years old" I took him in when he was 12 and kept him till he was 22. My boys are  Justin/25 and Ryan/20, along with a beautiful Grandbaby/Samantha (Sam), who is 2....Not bad for a 43 year old Mamma/Grammy. - I was born, raised, married, had my kids and divorced in Cincinnati, OH and about 15 years ago, I decided that I had enough f Cincinnati and Cincinnati had probably had enough of I said good-bye..packed up the boys and moved to South Carolina, in which, I have been working 13 years - full-time for an Equipment Financing/Leasing Co., in which, we provide financing for commercial real estate, along with leasing programs for the medical and dental industry for their equipment, supplies, furniture, computer's and working capital, etc.


I have always wanted to work from home and about 3 years ago...I got really MAD at my boss, after I found out that peole were coming in and I was training them...teaching them everything I knew...I wanted them to shine and I felt like I shined too...when I would see them being productive but when I found out that some of them were making $30k more a year than me...I AM NOT KIDDING...I was PISSED OFF...(Sorry) but that is exactly what I needed...Your gonna love this...Go get somehing to drink...


I went home..cleaned up a bit...cooked dinner...and got on line...I went to my Town and completed the application for my business license - Then I went to the IRS site and got my Federal Tax ID # - Then I submitted an applicaion about the Zoning Laws and Paid my Fees...Online.


Visit my site at and you will see that I don't just offer my services to the dental and medical fields but my expertise is in the medical and dental industry. My suite of financing products and services are available to both established and startup Health Care Facilities.


Our customers come to us from every health care field including Physicians from all specialties, Dentists, Veterinarians, Ophthalmologists, Optometrists and Opticians, Medical, Dental and Optical Laboratories, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Physical Therapists, Chiropractic Services, Emergency Medical Services, Governmental and Educational agencies.


Also, I now provide residential, commercial and industrial real estate loans, along with construction loans and I offer financing to ALL Business Types for their equipment, supplies, construction, practice acquisitions and consolidation loans and working capital, etc.


Through our commitment, experience and expertise Stacy's Creative Financing has established a business relationship with our customers that will last a lifetime!


Now...I have also involved myself with the BIGGEST Discount Health Benefits Program in the NATION, in which, I offer a business opportuity that will allow you to change your life forever...visit my site at, or if you are only interested in saving your family up to 80% on your dental benefits, along with other discounts for vision, chiropractic and prescriptions, along with medical benefits as well... you must visit my site at


Some would say I am a busy lady but I still make time for my family...That's What It's All About - Working from home and having the FREEDOM to do what you want...If my story sounds familiar it's up to you to make the change in your life...It doesn't happen over night....This is a video I must share with you - Please note; there are several, which are people, who have gotten involved with Amerplan USA and their lives have changed but one of my favorite stories is about the School Bus Driver - Check it out now (he is the one at the top and is in the middle)


If you made it this far...Thank you!  You must be a patient person ;-)


Have a great day!




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Roger Ketcham - (1/3/2009 10:46:08 AM) : nice priety pic.
James Wright - (9/15/2007 10:00:51 PM) : Vicki, I'm proud of you. You took the gamble and you won. For that you deserve a 10!! I wish you well in whatever you do. Jim


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