
Who is Lola Vanslette?

Lola Vanslette

Lola Vanslette
Member SinceTuesday, August 30, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, March 18, 2007
LocationSwanton, Vermont, United States United States
About Me
About Me
My name is Lola Vanslette, find my profile at
My Interests
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Interests: Friends
Comments (4)
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Forums (26)
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Kathy Hamilton - (12/18/2005 10:56:06 PM) : Hello Lola,
Love your Avon site,will be ordering things after the new year.great site and welcome to adlandpro and thank you for being so concerned about our community and friends in it,please continue posting your informative forums, your a great asset to adlandpro do not stop being concerned, even if you help one person you have made a very big difference in someones life,thank you lola,kathy martin
Lola Vanslette - (12/18/2005 10:56:06 PM) : Thank you Kathy.

I found over the years that pushing sales is just not me.

I do, however, care about people. All people and especially those who have had to suffer indignities, as well as other disasters.

The products I promote on most of my forums right now are to help those in need. I don't get any money from these products, they cost the same for me as they would for you.

I am glad to have links on my posts though, so people know where to find me, and that helps, financially speaking.

Thanks for being a good friend,

Lola A
Paul Falardeau - (11/28/2005 11:48:32 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Lola Vanslette - (11/28/2005 11:48:32 AM) : Thank you very much.

It's always great to have friends, no matter where or how we meet.

I have heard alot about the 12dailypro, I will look into it. And the other as well.

Lola A
Ms Avon

P.S. I'd like to introduce you to a couple of aff iliate programs to look into as well.
