About Me
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About Me
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Winston Bryce, Born in Jamaica West Indies. Lived in England for 7 years. Relocated to the US. Married my high school sweetheart. Never regretted a day of it. We have three beautiful daughters, young ladies. Retired from the US Air Force 24 years. I am the first Jamaican to join the US Air Force bob sledge team, where we beat the US team in practice going to the Olympic that year.
14 years ago, my wife had a stroke that left her totally paralyzed, she is unable to do anything for her self. I have not heard her voice since then, Her voice I miss most. Because of this e-book, success in 10 steps. My life has changed for the better. I have a means of reaching my goal of c reated an income from home, this allows me to be there for my wife and take better care of her. (My Bride). Always there for you! Winston & Josephine Bryce winstonaab@gmail.com 1-707-592-5513 Call any time FREE Click here for the free e-book
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Family, Friends, Homemaking, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Religion, Romance, Psychology, Schools, Science, Self-Development, Fitness, Relaxation, Medication, General Health, Male Health, Cooking, Making Music, Philosophy, Internet, Movies and Film, Audio/Video, Cars, Nature, Other Sports
Industries: Advertising, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Family, Friends, Religion, Romance, Science, Self-Development, Fitness, Medication, Weight Loss, General Health, Female Health, Reading, E-Books