
Who is Reggie Macamaux?

Reggie Macamaux

Reggie Macamaux
BirthdayThursday, March 19, 1942
Member SinceTuesday, June 19, 2012
Last ActivityTuesday, July 14, 2015
LocationPlymouth, Massachusetts, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I retired in 1995 as Regional/National Sales Manager and Consultant for one of the largest electronics companies in the world. In 1997 I founded Online Services, Inc. Since that time I have been helping others become successful on the internet with a variety of products and services that I have tested and found to be true Money Makers. Some are of my own design and some from third parties who are very successful as well. The programs I present to others (Mostly Software) are easy to use and affordable to all. Most importantly, they make money.

Places like AdlandPro are excellent to use but every entrepreneur should have their own List as well to be truly successful in marketing and selling on the internet.

Things don't just happen. You have to make them happen!


Reggie Macamaux
Online services, Inc.

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