
Who is Violet Varns?

Violet Varns

Violet Varns
BirthdayThursday, July 23, 1964
Member SinceMonday, October 31, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, September 21, 2006
LocationPace, Florida, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Good Day
My Name is Violet Born in Ohio in 1964 moved to Florida with my Family 1965 I am the youngest of 6 kids, I have 3 step sisters, and 2 step brothers
Got married 1988 and Divorced 1994 and went back to x-husband 1995(that another story on it own I could write a book about.(”Ha,ha” I can say we just live together)
I work for a fast food company for 13 yrs, then went into Retail for 4 years..
I have 1 son. When he was born I was fired from working and started taking care of my Father in law who had Parkinson disease. And took care of my son. Til my Father In Law past on this last January.
I tried going back to work and found out I have Health problem
Started working with Mannatech on the product Ambrotose.  Finding out that it’s a great product and has helped a lot of People with Health Problems. I am Hopeing to reach out and find other who needs to take control of their life instead of life taking control of them.
 I Sale on EBay as well under Sundrops been doing that for 9 yrs Off and on
I also have an Automaticbuilder site. Which are also health products that benefit those with Health and like the all-natural product that comes from the Land
I am still unable to stand on my feet for long period of time, so working from home is a must.
I am hoping with the business I have started I will benefit from one of them soon
I enjoy talking on Line with people and meeting new people all the time.
I talk to my family who live far away from me. And hope one day I will make enough money to travel and visit them.
Not really much to say about myself. I am quite, shy, and determined to succeed. Always open to new Ideals.
Only thing stop me is not having enough money to do the thing I want to. But One day I WILL!
Out looking
Smart Goals if you read it downwards
My Goal is to Succeed
I enjoy the outdoor, Fishing, Camping, and going to Flea Markets, Wal-Mart to Crowded, and the Mall to high priced, enjoy meeting people


 just started working : Asst. Manager for Gulf Breeze Toll Plaze

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