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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Pray for Barb Delgiudice Mother Thank you
3/29/2008 11:11:50 AM
Brother Pierre, thank you for your comments and your wonderful anylogy, to have conviction in knowing what you do and to be convinced of that faith and trust you have in God one must know that all things will be possible through Him! Prayer is a powerful thing. God_bless you Pierre.
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Peter Fogel

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Re: Pray for Barb Delgiudice Mother_ Thank you
3/29/2008 11:18:58 AM

Achi Thomas,

Very Nice of you to bring this to our attention.

Having cared for my mother at that exact same age without the broken bones and the pneumonia I can appreciate the terrible ordeal Barb is going through.

Barb, your mom and you are in our prayers and I hope that she will recuperate in the very near future.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Pray for Barb Delgiudice Mother_ Thank you
3/29/2008 11:26:59 AM
Your welcome Achi Peter, thank you for the post im sure Barb will be better at her anxiety in these types of matters if one knows we are all behind them in Faith, prayer and spirit. :) God_bless you and your family. Shalom
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