Dear LaNell and Thomas,
There is a song I learned in Primary school. Here is Goes:
Twinkle twincle little Star , how I wonder what you are.
If the star looked so wonderful, and Christ is so perfect , then God would be truly immaculate. Barb and her mum are simply the best example and reference of that excellence and power that Governs the Universe. They live and breath within that harmony and Love which heals the sick and equally heals fear. They must therefore be constant in their trust in God , knowing that in him all things are possible . God is a unique and primal cause for healing. There is no other way greater than that. I know that by the time Barb finishes to read this note to hear mum, she will feel the way I feel, because right now , at this very moment, in this very hour, I feel well and complete in Christ. May the blessing that come through selflessness and purity of the minds , bring an immediate answer to Barbs call. Blessings.
Pierre Louma