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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Thank You for congratulations with my birthday!
3/30/2008 3:30:22 PM

Thanks, Georgios!

Some more about Lydia and Greece...

Крез (греч. Κρόίσος) (595—546 до н. э.) — последний царь Лидии в 560—546 до н. э. из рода Мермнадов.

Значительно расширил территорию Лидийского царства, подчинив греческие малоазийские города (Эфес, Милет и др.) и захватив почти всю западную часть Малой Азии до реки Галис.

Богатство Креза вошло в поговорку, о нём сложилось много легенд. Крез был эллинофилом; посылал щедрые дары в греческие храмы (Дельфы, Эфес) и стремился приобщить Лидию к греческой культуре.

Лидийское царство при Крёзе

Kroisos (greek Κρόίσος (595-546 up to н. э.) - last tsar of Lydia in 560-546 B.C. from sort Mermnad.

Has considerably expanded territory Lydia's empire, having subordinated Greek Minor Asia's cities (the Hilt, Miletus, etc.) and having grasped almost all western part of Asia Minor to the river Galis.

Riches of Kroisos were included into a saying, about it there were many legends. Kroisos was ellinophil; sent generous gifts to the Greek temples (Delphi, Ephes) and aspired to attach Lydia to the Greek culture.

Крёз на монете сто казахских тенге 2004. Золото

Greetings, Lydia


Lydia Fokina

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Re: Thank You for congratulations with my birthday!
3/30/2009 1:58:44 AM

Thanks all for the birthday wishes!

You are not late, time to congratulate Aries - from March 21 till April 20!


Best wishes to all, to Aries - especially!

Summer wine from my table to yours tables!

((youtube id="Bj6nhpC5Qbo"))((/youtube))



Lydia (Aries)


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Thank You for congratulations with my birthday!
3/30/2009 3:13:47 PM
Hi Lydia!

Nice of you to give us a map and history of Kingdom of Lydia in its greatness when Kroissus was king. At that time Lydia was the richest country in East Mediterranean region.

Lydia was a Hellenic free state allied to Athens. Once Solon, one of the seve wise Greek men visited Sardis, the capital of Lydia and Kroissus asked him:
"Who is the most  rich person you know Solon". Solon told him about two brothers, who had no money but their love to her disable mother made them the sot rich persons.

Later at 546 BC Kroissus and the whole country was captured by the Persians and when time came to excecute him, he had nothing to say but SOLON, SOLON, SOLON. The Persian King was curios to know who SOLON was.

The Persian king heard the story and released Kroissus. Solon by telling a story of love saved Kroissus.

Kroissus is a very ancient greek word meaning gold.


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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Thank You for congratulations with my birthday!
3/30/2009 3:36:19 PM

Hi Georgios!

It means - love is more important that gold.

Listen to Russian rap about it.

The love is more expensive some gold

((youtube id="f717E-7wbzo"))((/youtube))
