HEllo Lydia The Christ has revived! Has truly revived!
Христос Воскресе! 
Χριστός Ανέστη! Αληθώς Ανέστη!
The world's largest bell is the Tsar Bell III (Tsar-Kolokol) in Moscow.
It is called Tsar Kolokol "III" because it was cast three times,
and more metal was added each time. The present incarnation was cast in
1733-35, and weighs about 400,000 pounds (180 tons).
Resting at the foot of the Ivan Velekij Bell Tower, the bell is a mute
testimony to the grand days of the Romanov Dynasty— and to the weakness
of all human endeavor. Tsarina Anna I commissioned the bell in 1734, fulfilling
the dream of her grandfather, Tsar Alexei. At 6.14 meters high and 6.6
meters in diameter, it was to be the biggest and clearest sounding bell
in the world.
The casting of this enormous bell was performed by a team of nearly
200 craftsmen under the supervision of Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail,
who cast many of Russia's other great bells. Georgios PS! I remember this bell from my school books