Axion Esti -Αξιον Εστι Most Holy Mother | The Blessed ever-Virgin MAry
Mother of God, is the "Patron Saint" of the Spiritual
Republic of Mt. Athos. In one of the magnificent monasteries
there is a huge icon on the Blessed Virgin Mary which has
been titled "Axion Esti," meaning 'it is worthy to bless
Thee, the Virgin'. This beautiful icon was painted in
the seventh century and has since graced the sacred walls of
the Cathedral of Mt. Athos. |
Hagia Sofia-Holy Wisdom
Tempel for Muslim Shows Click to Enlarge
| Hagia Sofia -Αγια Σοφία
The Center of the Orthodox world and the seat of The Orthodox Patriarchy is Konstantinople. The Greatest Cathedral is Hagia Sofia. It is built on an older Temple of Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Today the Turkish Authorities use the Cathedral for shows and and modeling but liturgies are forbidden. Democray of the Muslim world.
Agion Oros, Macedonia

Now and then | Holy Mt Athos- Αγιον Ορος Άθως The Holy Mount is a self- governed part of the Greek state, subject to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its political aspect and to the
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinopole as regards its religious aspect.
Meteora, Greece
Click above
| Meteora
Meteora is an area in Thessaly, Central Greece. What makes Meteora so special is the monasteries on the top of the rock towers. The monasteries, the amound of peaks to climb and the paths for hiking brings in Meteora the whole year many tourists.
Rocky Meteora
St Gregory, Armenia
 Click above | Armenian Orthodox Church
Christianity was declared as state religion for first time in Armenia in AD 301. This was largely due to the efforts of St. Gregory the Illuminator. He converted Armenia's king Tiridates III, who had formerly
perse-cuted the Christians. It was St. Gregory who built the Mother Church at Etchmiadzin
in AD 303. |
Moscow, Russia
 Click above
| Russian Orthodox Church
The Russian Orthodox Church traces its origins to the time of Kievan
Rus', the first forerunner of the modern Russian state. In A.D. 988
Prince Vladimir made a variant of Christianity the state
religion of Russia. The Golden Age of Kiev. The Russian
church was subordinate to the patriarch of Constantinople, seat of the Byzantine Empire.
St Basil, Russia
 Click above
| St Basil Moscow St. Basil's Cathedral was built in the 1550's by Ivan the Terrible to commemorate his victory over the Tartars
in Kazan in Central Asia. The edifice sits proudly on the south end of Red
Square in Moscow, Russia. It may look like the architectural equivalent of
"too many cooks spoil the broth", but the design succeeds.
Karelia, Finland
 Click above
| Finnish Orthodox Church
The Finnish Orthodox Church is autonomous Orthodox church that
belongs to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. It has about
60,000 members and is led by Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland.
Bucarest, Romania

Click above | Romanian Orthodox Church
In 1859, the Romanian principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia formed
the modern state of Romania. In 1872, the Orthodox churches The
Metropolis of Ungrovlachia and The Metropolis of Moldaviadecided to unite to form the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Beograd, Serbia
 Click above | St Savva Cathedral, Belgrade
A beautiful white structure just behind Slavija square,
especially interesting at Orthodox Easter and Christmas,
when loud, enchanting bells are rang and thousands of
people gather around it. The cathedral is dedicated to St Sava founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church and an important figure in medieval Serbia. |
Sofia, Bulgaria |
Kiev, Ukraina |
Jerusalem, Israel |
Beirut, Lebanon
 Click above
| St George Cathedral, Beirut
The Greek-Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Georges: Until the recent war
in Lebanon this church, built in 1767, was the oldest functioning church
in Beirut. The decorations on its walls were lost during the war. The
cathedral has recently been restored.
Boston, USA |
Addis Abeba, Ethiopia |
Cairo, Egypt
Tiblisi, Georgia |
Pasion Of Christ

| The Imperial Hours
St. George's monastery in Raitho
St. Catherine's monastery, Sinai, Egypt. Holy Week 2007 from The Imperial Hours - Holy Friday Morning. Father Arsenios & Issa Makdessi |
He Is Risen |
Ravanica, Serbia
 Click above
| The Ravanica Monastery
The Ravanica church is the first monument of the Morava School of the
Serbian medieval art. Its ground plan has the form of an enlarged trefoil
with a nine-sided dome in the middle and four smaller octagonal domes
above the corner bays. There are 62 window lights. Valuable
ceramic decoration makes use of geometrical patterns, floral motifs, zoomorphic
and athropomorphic shapes. |