
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: A Big Pile of Hits is NOT Always Cause for Celebration...
3/11/2008 9:40:16 PM
Thanks Larry and Nick for your visits and positive support!!
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Re: A Big Pile of Hits is NOT Always Cause for Celebration...
3/20/2008 11:15:07 AM

Thanks Kathleen for the words of wisdom.  Anonymous hits do have their place but as you say is not as affective as word-of-mouth advertising.  Becoming known in networking sites like AdlandPro and orthers and getting your link posted to these sites bring better quality prospects to your site than just a bunch of anonymous hits. 

I have learned also that posting sporadicly will not bring satisfactory results either.  Consistancy is the key.  Posting to forms and blogs need to be a daily activity not just hit and miss.  (That advice I am giving more to myself than to others LOL.)

Thanks again for your post.  Now I need to go practice what I preach :-)

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