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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:38:26 PM
Bonjour Adelina!

I am glad to see you here.

Here's a crown to wear with pride. You truly deserve this honour. Thank you for being a bright light and for sharing so much friendship.

I hope you like pink!

Congratulations and Angel Cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:41:08 PM

Hi Bill and June ,

If you didn't know let me tell you that I'm one of your admirers ! You look so great together ! Thank you so much for being here !

Love and hugs !

Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:48:36 PM

Sorry !!! I jump one page !!!

Hi there RunningMan ,

I want to tell that I appreciate you a lot as you are indeed a Runningman ! Glad to hear about your family ! My warmest greetings to them and to you of course ! Thank you so much !

Love and hugs !

Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:52:11 PM

Hi Larry ,

I don't know why I see you like a peaceful man and I'm always glad for your presence . I'm happy to have a friend like you ! Thank you for your beautiful words !

Love and hugs !

Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:54:38 PM

Hi Gani , my friend from Dubai !

I'm so glad to see you here ! Thank you for coming by and congratulate me !

Love and hugs !


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