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It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 1:28:55 AM


The 134th Person of the WEEK !!!  


Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro,

Jim Allen, Peter Fogel and Ana Maria Padurean your POTW Awards Team.  

Are pleased to announce;

Adelina Ghita is the 134th Person of the Week


Adelina Ghita




Adelina Ghita

It’s time again for one our favorite projects of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is one of our favorite projects because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people.

Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special.


The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. 

To qualify the person has to be an active member
and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week

(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). 

This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member 

of the Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.


This week we're honoring Adelina Ghita.
Adelina is involved in the community and is one of our favorite ladies from Romania. 


Adelina is a very interesting and active member of our community.

She has many friends and is a favorite poster to many of us in the community. She's a warm personality and is always a welcomed addition to a forum.  

Adelina Ghita

on your POTW win! Wink




Adelina Ghita




Here's Adelina Ghita's Bio:

Oh my god! There are so many people here that love me! It’s
incredible! I came on Adland I don’t know from where!
Somewhere on the internet! Maybe an online Angel brought me
here! If my sponsor is somewhere here, please let me know
because I want to thank him / her! Sincerely I think that I
were looking for a new opportunity and what opportunity
could be more great than to have such many and wonderful

No…I’m not an important person! I’m really astonished that
I’m so appreciated.

Well, If there have been passed some time till I came here,
I think that is the right moment to tell you more about me.
For those who doesn’t know me , I am a woman of 47 years
old from Romania / Constanta  , I’m a kindergarten teacher
, I’m a proud mother of two wonderful kids and a lovely cat
and a beloved wife from about 26 years !Let’s take it from
the youngest one! My lovely cat Suzy it was given like a
present by my brother when she was a baby and now she is
about 14 years old and a very important member of the
family! My twenty years daughter, Ramona, is a student to
Romanian-American University in Bucharest. She is a dreamer
and sometimes I tell her that she wants too much from life
but I wish that all her dreams to be true! My twenty two
years son, Razvan , is also a student but in Constanta at
Finance and Banking ! He is a realist and when he was about
three years old he told us that he love money very much!
Hope to have enough money just to be happy! My husband,
Sorin.  is a mechanic engineer on a boat, so he is sailing
a lot (too much). When he is at home we spend all holydays
of the year! Me…I graduated an Economical Rights high
school but I felt that  wasn’t the right choice for me , so
I choose to make a Pedagogic College and so I did .
Children have been always special for me so I’m one of
those happy that love their job.  I have 29 kids in my
classroom. That isn’t so easy but I have a lot of
satisfactions by watching their evolution from three to six
or seven years old.

My life? A happy childhood till 9 years old when my father
felt in love with a much younger woman and he was gone! My
mother have been ill for a long time from than and we spent
a lot of time between hospital and home till God took her
when I was 18 years old so me and Arcadie my two years
older brother began to make plans for our “new life". I
thank God I was strong enough to make things go on. Despite
of all those I am an optimist and a dreamer and I like
laughing a lot. Even there are hard moments in life I watch
over for the beauty of life.

What are my hobbies? There are a lot! I like music (listen,
singing, making), poetry (reading, writing), painting
(watching, painting). I like reading and writing
(especially for children). I like also manual art and
making cloth (most of all for my daughter). I like to stay
on line, watching TV, traveling and I have always a big
problem: I have never enough time for all I’d like to do
so, my nights are very short!

I hate violence, intolerance and injustice!

I am not a hard online worker but if you would like to
visit my little website you are welcome:


 It’s that enough? I guess so. I don’t like to talk a lot
about me but as you are my dear friends, feel free to ask
me what you would like to know. Excuse my English but hope
I made you understand me.

This year on Women’s Day you made me the most beautiful
present! Thank you and have a wonderful spring and don’t
forget that after rain the sun will shine! Love you! Be



It is time to congratulate Adelina on her POTW win. Please invite
Adelina to join your list of friends if he isn't already on it.

Adelina Ghita,

Peter, Ana Maria and I are glad to be honoring 
you in this week's POTW forum.
You've have a been a great asset to our wonderful

Enjoy your week as our 

POTW and Queen of AdlandPro!Wink


Thank you Adland Friends for supporting 
the POTW Forum

The Person of the Week Team

Peter, Jim and Ana Maria

POTW Awards Team

Mary Hannan

6209 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 1:46:40 AM


Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 1:47:00 AM

Hi Jim & Anamaria,

Adelina, I want to congratulate on your POTW win.

Your bio is very interesting and it's obvious that you are a happy and fun loving person. I wonder if that's a Romanian trait. Your country woman and our partner is also a fun loving person.

Enjoy your week as Queen Adelina.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Lydia Fokina

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:00:18 AM

Hi AnaMaria, Peter, Jim!

Adelina! My Romanian sister and the colleague!
I so am happy to see your victory over this rigid struggle!

You are first! You win!

Самые первые

All participants of struggle are worthy victories, greetings to everything, you necessarily win, lovely ladies!

Весенний букет

Greetings from Russia, Lydia


Ricardo Alcaraz

203 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor The 134th POTW Adelina Ghita
3/10/2008 3:31:14 AM
Congratulations to Adelina for this honor!



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