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Re: Chain Letters
8/16/2005 11:08:17 AM
Hi Ann Just had to read this again these are really cool. would you please invite Shelly Hsrgis to be you friend she is my newest sign up in my fgg bus. and I wat to surprise her with your invite. I told her I would help her get more freinds to chat with. After chating with you on the phone You are a blessing to any one that is in your friends list. Looking forward to you being on the call tonight. Have a blessed day. I guess its ok to say that here at adlandpro?
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Re: Chain Letters
8/16/2005 11:13:37 AM
OH AnaMaria, You crack me up. That really made my day! Thanks so much.
Re: Chain Letters
8/16/2005 11:14:57 AM
Hi Ann I had computor problems and didn't know how long I would be gone. I call another down line member in my fgg bus and had him post for me. his name is warren so that post is from me. Have a Blessed day Fredie It mentions Shelly my newest down line we are 20,000 strong and growing.
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Re: Chain Letters
8/16/2005 11:48:36 AM
Hi Anamaria, I didn't send this "chain e-mail" but guess what... The "large bird with diarrhea" is true!! I'll have to take a shower now!! Just kidding!! Have a nice day. Walid
Re: Chain Letters
8/16/2005 12:08:10 PM
This is one of the funniest e-mails I've gotten in a long time. My kids are sitting here asking me what I'm laughing about -- that could take awhile to explain! Thanks for a nice break in my day!