Hey James!
March 8 is over, and March 9 in Russia- is the last day of Pancake week!

Масленица 2008 -
Масленица – Pancake week - a holiday of pancakes and other Russian-national medicines. Well and if it is serious, that, a pancake week - the slavic holiday, got to us in the inheritance from the pagan culture, kept and after acceptance of christianity. The pancake week is necessary for a week previous the Great post. The pancake week is, first of all, plentiful and nourishing food, and also round dances, songs, dancings, games.
In a traditional life always was considered, that the person who has lead масленичную week badly and boringly, it will be unlucky within all year.
So drink, eat, cheerfully see off winter, burn down a scarecrow and be happy!!!
By the way, whether you, what today know day when it is easy to stop to smoke?
It is necessary to leave tonight on a table an empty pack from cigarettes, on it - an empty box from matches and a note: " I do not smoke! ". And tomorrow, on March, 10th, 2008 - you any more do not smoke! The maximum forces will help!