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James Wright

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Re: International Women's Day
3/9/2008 7:46:55 AM

Hi Olga, thank you for sharing this information with us here. I hope you had a special day! What is your favorite dish?

Curry Food

Re: International Women's Day
3/9/2008 8:18:26 AM
James, thank you for this interesting dish. Ukrainian cuisine is perfect, we have hundreds of delicious dishes. As for me I like pies, cakes, dumplings with cherry, Ukrainian rissoles. I invite all Adland members to Ukraine to try our dishes!
James Wright

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Re: International Women's Day
3/9/2008 8:57:23 AM

Olga, I see you have a sweet tooth!

What this means is you like food that has a sweet taste.

Here is a slice of cherry pie just for you!

Judy Smith

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Re: International Women's Day
3/9/2008 4:16:19 PM

Hi james,

What a lovely poem and roses!  Thanks for the invitation.  I enjoyed reading through the posts and looking at the beautiful graphics!!



Re: International Women's Day
3/9/2008 4:28:42 PM
James, thanks a lot for so nice gift. You are real gentleman, you give woman what she wants. I will close my eyes and imagine that this is reality. I think American men are very polite. Sweet taste, sweet dreams, sweet life – everything is interconnected.