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Re: World War III -Started March 2008
3/12/2008 11:58:31 AM


    At 50 I am becoming the activist I should have been at 15, when all I could think about was girls and what party to take them to. History is repeating itself... Vietnam relived all over again, in Iraq. What's worse, it's for the same reasons - Arms and Oil.

    But this time, the people of the free world have a tool that they didn't have back then. It's called the Internet. And I am, along with others, making damn good use of it too. I have a new social site you may want to look at. It's still a diamond in the rough, but not-too-shabby.

    GoTo: Http:// You don't have to join, but you may want to after you watch a couple of videos I've got posted there, and looked around a bit. It's totally free. We're just a bunch of people who care about the Earth and want to make a difference globally.

    Again that's, Http:// !

    Hope to see you there. Later..........................!

Your Friend Always,

Benton Middleton, Independant Ecopreneur

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Jill Bachman

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Re: World War III -Started March 2008
3/14/2008 4:55:58 AM

Hi Everybody,

This poem just seems appropriate.....   :-)


Hugs,  Jill

Re: World War III -Started March 2008
3/14/2008 11:11:35 AM

Hi Jill,

         Personally, I could not agree with you more. Do you remember the Beatles' song, "All We Need is Love" or Roberta Flack's "What the Worls Needs Now, Is Love, Sweet Love"? It all sounds good in theory, But...

         The problem is this. The powers that be, "the men behind the curtains", have anything but love on their minds. Theirs is the evil that seeks complete world domination, the kind that will drive the whole planet back into the Dark-Ages.

         Many people think it's all a joke, or a new bunch of lunatics ravving about something we can't control. I want to tell you that we CAN control what they do... by seeking out who they are and where they hide. Then globally get everyone, as much as is humanly possible, NOT to go along with their program, beginning of course with denying acceptance of the coming microchip implants that everyone will be required to have to to live a normal way of life... SS#, bank account, driver's license and more, will all be encoded, and connected together on this chip, and if you don't take it, they will cut you off from Society as if you never existed.

        You think "I'M" joking???? Watch these:

((youtube id="USc4fMgFShg"))((/youtube))

((youtube id="4FnUqhDMfoc&feature=related"))((/youtube))

((youtube id="kAnOLL9q4Dk&feature=related"))((/youtube))

Your Friend as Always,

The Benster!


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Peter Fogel

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Re: World War III -Started March 2008
3/14/2008 7:10:42 PM

Hi Benton,

Frightening isn't it. The worst part is as I read and heard in other articles and videos is that "we" will demand to be marked. The media is playing this topic as a safety measure for self protection and health reasons.

People are gullible and the herd instinct is the name of the game. We can choose to not be a part of the herd and wake up to what is happening NOW.

We can unite and fight this but will the "masses" wake up in time?? I wonder.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: World War III -Started March 2008
3/14/2008 7:19:05 PM
My goodness me!

This is all rather frightening chaps and chapesses.

Are there too many sheep, I wonder?

I hope not.

Angel cuddles all round!

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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