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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/7/2008 11:17:15 AM
Congratulations Bill

I enjoyed your Bio

Hats off to a man who Gives and Gives.

Enjoy your Week as POTW

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling


Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/7/2008 2:27:52 PM

Hello There Cowboy

    Thanks for the video. The Crows are cool. That is an unusual riff in that particular song. A little on the raw side huh. The way I like it.

Sincerely, Billdaddy


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/7/2008 2:36:39 PM

Hello Sam

    Speaking of Men of Honor. I love what you add to this community. Your forums are outstanding. Thank You for stopping by here Sam.

    Also, speaking of things I like to do. It is time to Thank a certain person for his support of a bill in congress that provides equal insurance coverage for children with autism. A thank you and a few words of encouragement to continue his fight against the insurance industry's unfair treatment of society's less fortunate.

    Just think of the impact it would have if all of the sudden, 70,000 members of Adlandpro wrote to their congressmen and women about this bill.

Dear Friend,

You are receiving this email because (1) you have previously expressed your support for Pennsylvania's HB 1150 (pertaining to private insurance coverage for treating autism) and (2) because you reside in PA Senate District 39.

We are pleased to inform you that your senator, Senator Bob Regola, supports HB 1150 and sits on the Senate Committee that can move HB 1150 to a vote before the full Senate. Senator Regola deserves to hear your thanks for his commitment to ending discriminatory insurance practices toward children with autism living in Pennsylvania.
A hearing before the Senate Banking & Insurance Committee has been scheduled for April 1, 2008, so your senator needs to hear from you before then.  So please contact Senator Regola and then save this date.  We will forward hearing information as soon as it is all confirmed with regard to the place and time.

We ask that you send your letter of appreciation to:
Senator Bob Regola
Main Capitol
187 Main Capitol
Harrisburg, PA  17120
or fax: 724-600-7008

The insurance industry's lobbyists are telling your senator that the current MA system is working well, and that important therapies such as ABA are already easily accessible to parents.  Although we appreciate the services DPW provides, HB 1150 will fill many gaps in the current service delivery system.  If you have personal stories of the shortcomings of the current system or your difficulties in accessing the services your loved one needs, we encourage you to add them to your letter.

Time is of the essence!  Your senator has heard from the insurance companies.  Now we need your senator to hear from you.

Thank you,
Shelley Hendrix
Director, State Advocacy Relations
Autism Speaks
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/7/2008 2:49:25 PM

Hi Peter

    As Ally told you, I had to take a little time off due to another eye infection. I started getting these about 2 years ago when we unknowingly moved into a house full of toxic mold. I thank you and your team for allowing me the opportunity to speak about some things that a lot of people don't know much about. Toxic mold is one of those things. Many people are ill from mold exposure and don't know it. Insurance companies deny it's existance and very few doctors understand the seriousness of it. Here are some of the symptoms that affect those who have been exposed.

Unusual Pain
Ice Pick Pain
Lightning Bolt Pain
Light Sensitivity
Red Eyes
Blurred Vision
Shortness of Breath
Abdominal Pain
Joint Pain
Morning Stiffness
Metallic Taste
Decreased Assimilation of New Knowledge
Decreased Word Finding Ability
Skin Sensitivity
Excessive Thirst
Frequent Urination
Sweats - especially night sweats
Mood Swings
Temperature Regulation
Appetite Swings
Most toxic mold or biotoxin-exposed patients have an average of 18 of these symptoms.

Elizabeth Westberry, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light. 
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
I welcome you to join me in my new network
Billdaddy's Team Builder Network
Bless yourself by blessing others
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/7/2008 2:59:01 PM

Hello Again Judy

    Yes, I am having a great time here and I appreciate you and all of the others who have stopped by here to offer their support and friendship.

     Something really deserving of a celebration just came to me in a news feed the other day. Our government has finally admitted that there is a connection between autism and childhood vaccinations. This will lead to many good things for those affected by autism, victims and families.

Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?

By David Kirby
Posted February 25, 2008 | 12:42 PM (EST)

After years of insisting there is no evidence to link vaccines with the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the US government has quietly conceded a vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal Claims.

The unprecedented concession was filed on November 9, and sealed to protect the plaintiff's identify. It was obtained through individuals unrelated to the case.

The claim, one of 4,900 autism cases currently pending in Federal "Vaccine Court," was conceded by US Assistant Attorney General Peter Keisler and other Justice Department officials, on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services, the "defendant" in all Vaccine Court cases.

The child's claim against the government -- that mercury-containing vaccines were the cause of her autism -- was supposed to be one of three "test cases" for the thimerosal-autism theory currently under consideration by a three-member panel of Special Masters, the presiding justices in Federal Claims Court.

Keisler wrote that medical personnel at the HHS Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (DVIC) had reviewed the case and "concluded that compensation is appropriate."

The doctors conceded that the child was healthy and developing normally until her 18-month well-baby visit, when she received vaccinations against nine different diseases all at once (two contained thimerosal).

Days later, the girl began spiraling downward into a cascade of illnesses and setbacks that, within months, presented as symptoms of autism, including: No response to verbal direction; loss of language skills; no eye contact; loss of "relatedness;" insomnia; incessant screaming; arching; and "watching the florescent lights repeatedly during examination."

Seven months after vaccination, the patient was diagnosed by Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a leading neurologist at the Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital Neurology Clinic, with "regressive encephalopathy (brain disease) with features consistent with autistic spectrum disorder, following normal development." The girl also met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) official criteria for autism.

In its written concession, the government said the child had a pre-existing mitochondrial disorder that was "aggravated" by her shots, and which ultimately resulted in an ASD diagnosis.

"The vaccinations received on July 19, 2000, significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder," the concession says, "which predisposed her to deficits in cellular energy metabolism, and manifested as a regressive encephalopathy with features of ASD."

To read the rest of Mr. Kirby's piece and to post your comments, please visit

Think Autism. Think Cure

Elizabeth Westberry, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light. 
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
I welcome you to join me in my new network
Billdaddy's Team Builder Network
Bless yourself by blessing others
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy