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An invitation to a lifetime of,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2/14/2008 1:29:06 AM
Note the first to get in will make the most money! Opportunity ends March 31, 2008.

So Start now, Great Product!

Benefactoring you in FREE. You must be invited by me. Team Players Team Builders !
Workers only! Call me for more info. Get 5 and help them get 5. All benefactored in.


Call Me At     Billdaddy    814 902 1179
                    Cell No.      814 316 5726
If the following information interests you, please send an e-mail to me at       Place  Noni Team Build in subject line so I don't miss you
with this info:


SSN or EIN #




Zip Code

Date of Birth



E-mail Address

(when you join, please keep close track of your geneology...those you bring
in and their people, and their people, ALL YOUR GENEOLOGY)

How Would You Like
To Get $900 NOW Plus A Monthly Residual Income For FREE

Take A Look Below And See The Team
Effort That Has Commenced To Do Just That!
Consider Yourself Officially,


Please, take a look at this as a way to help others; see it for what it is ... an opportunity to do good! Just how much good depends on you and me! Keep in mind, I have attempted to "benefactor" others over and over again, but I don't have pockets deep enough to make that happen, YET!

My upline Mike H. does. There is no limit to his ability to "benefactor" others into this opportunity.

For those who don't quite understand what "benefactoring" is ... it simply means to be sponsored or to be PAID FOR by someone else.
That's the bottom line! NO MONEY from YOU ! !! Mike and his team will take care of EVERYTHING for us by Benefactoring you and your downline TEAM !


YOU get the picture!

This is going to continue until the 31st of March, 2008.

How MANY people can we BLESS???
How MANY people can YOU BLESS???

How MANY people are hurting, "cash-flow"
challenged and in need of some assistance?
This is time sensitive ... so I'm moving on this Right Now & So Should YOU!!!

Cutoff is Thursday at midnight,

So...if you have your 5 by then, A CHECK will be cut to YOU for $900...

... and then, Monthly Residual!!!
... with products; and

YOU did not pay...ANYTHING to join !!!


Conference Calls are Monday thru Friday
3:00pm - 6:00pm - 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time
605-990-0700 751668#

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: An invitation to a lifetime of,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2/17/2008 3:47:47 PM
Greetings All
     I am presenting to you, my friends, an opportunity that surpasses any other opportunity that you have ever had in online marketing. The only way that I am able to do this is because I was invited, personally, to join a very successful marketing team and given this chance to share something unique with my friends and family. Mike H. is the man at the head of this ingenous idea. Mike has made a tremendous amount of money over the years and he knows how to succeed in this business. Fortunately for us, he also knows that there are many people who cannot afford to invest enough to become successful marketers. He understands that it takes money to make money. Also, he knows that it takes team work and people helping people in order to become successful.
     He has put all of these things together and is now building the fastest growing, most successful team in the business. Here is the basic concept responsible for the success of this team build.
1. He is paying our way into the business.
2. He is paying the way of our friends and family to join under us.
3. He is paying for our initial product package worth over $500 and he is doing this for your team members as well.
4. He is putting every member who joins our team by March 31st into profit before they have to spend a cent.
5. Your profit will not only sustain you in your business for several months but will put over $500 in your pocket to do with what you want to do.
In return for all of this, Mike is asking one thing. That you share this opportunbity with 5 other people whom you believe will share with 5 others. That is it. It is that simple.
Note the first to get in will make the most money! Opportunity ends March 31, 2008.

So Start now! Product Tahitian Noni Great Product!

Benefactoring you in FREE. You must be invited by me. Team Players Team Builders !
Workers only! Call me for more info. Get 5 and help them get 5. All benefactored in.


Call Me At     Billdaddy    814 902 1179
                    Cell No.      814 316 5726
If the following information interests you, please send an e-mail to me at       Place  Noni Team Build in subject line so I don't miss you
with this info:


SSN or EIN # ( call me with this if you prefer )




Zip Code

Date of Birth



E-mail Address

(when you join, please keep close track of your geneology...those you bring
in and their people, and their people, ALL YOUR GENEOLOGY)

How Would You Like
To Get $900 NOW Plus A Monthly Residual Income For FREE

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
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Re: An invitation to a lifetime of,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2/17/2008 6:02:38 PM
"Thank You Brother Bill...Fellow Team Member!!"

Best graphics for your profile!
Re: An invitation to a lifetime of,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2/17/2008 8:08:53 PM

Hello Steven

    I am soooooo looking forward to this team adventure. When have you ever heard of such generosity.  This will be the biggest team we have ever built and most likely, the most profitable. Thank you for stopping by My Friend. Ya;ll come back now, ya hear.

Elizabeth Westberry, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light. 
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
If You Don't Just Love This Jerkey
pass it on over here please.
It's fun. It's free. It pays you to enjoy yourself.
Visit the Billallys Pub network at:
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: An invitation to a lifetime of,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2/18/2008 9:45:12 PM

Hello Everybody

   I can see that this opportunity is sounding too good to be true. It is good but it is also true.

    If you do not believe that this program is growing at a fantastic rate try this.

    Send the following message to a bunch of your friends and family. Get your 5 in before you even committ. People are joiuning this team fast and you have to have your 5 before March 31 to get benefactored in and have your team benefactored as well. PLease try this . You cannot lose a thing by trying.

  Sinply change my info to your info and send it out. You will have your 5 before you know it and will receive $900 for doing so.

 Change my info to you infor and send this to your friends lists everywhere. This will work for you Good luck
Greetings All
     I am presenting to you, my friends, an opportunity that surpasses any other opportunity that you have ever had in online marketing. The only way that I am able to do this is because I was invited, personally, to join a very successful marketing team and given this chance to share something unique with my friends and family. Mike H. is the man at the head of this ingenous idea. Mike has made a tremendous amount of money over the years and he knows how to succeed in this business. Fortunately for us, he also knows that there are many people who cannot afford to invest enough to become successful marketers. He understands that it takes money to make money. Also, he knows that it takes team work and people helping people in order to become successful.
     He has put all of these things together and is now building the fastest growing, most successful team in the business. Here is the basic concept responsible for the success of this team build.
1. He is paying our way into the business.
2. He is paying the way of our friends and family to join under us.
3. He is paying for our initial product package worth over $500 and he is doing this for your team members as well.
4. He is putting every member who joins our team by March 31st into profit before they have to spend a cent.
5. Your profit will not only sustain you in your business for several months but will put over $500 in your pocket to do with what you want to do.
In return for all of this, Mike is asking one thing. That you share this opportunbity with 5 other people whom you believe will share with 5 others. That is it. It is that simple.
Note the first to get in will make the most money! Opportunity ends March 31, 2008.

So Start now! Product Tahitian Noni Great Product!

Benefactoring you in FREE. You must be invited by me. Team Players Team Builders !
Workers only! Call me for more info. Get 5 and help them get 5. All benefactored in.


Call Me At     Billdaddy    814 902 1179
                    Cell No.      814 316 5726

If the following information interests you, please send an e-mail to me at       Place  Noni Team Build in subject line so I don't miss you
with this info:


SSN or EIN # ( call me with this if you prefer )




Zip Code

Date of Birth



E-mail Address

(when you join, please keep close track of your geneology...those you bring
in and their people, and their people, ALL YOUR GENEOLOGY)


How Would You Like
To Get $900 NOW Plus A Monthly Residual Income For FREE


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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