Hello Team, First I want to say that I am very appreciative of being voted in as a full member on the Hive Team. It is an honor and I will do all that I can to help us all be successful. I love the team concept, because we can so much more as a team working together towards a common goal. I agree with Dennis and Larry about not promoting programs that we each have to other Hive members and just concentrate on what we have going right now. I have been promoting the AutoMailer XP alot in Adlandpro in both free ads and paid ads. Also at BizzyBlogz and Lazzeo and at also a surf site called TS25.com, Tower Hits, and Traffic Swarm. I am looking forward to our new website to be completed and ready to be published. Thank you to Dennis and Larry for the work they are putting into this. It will be a great assest for the team I am sure. I sense a lot of enthusiam among us and that is good because it becomes contagious. Let's all continue to do our part to make this team a big success. I am proud to be part of this Team lets keep on buzzzing! :) Len