We are a unique and privileged bunch, I have to say. I'm a mite proud of everyone who is here and posts on a regular basis. You can see how much talent is brought to the Hive and how much effort everyone is putting forth. Each one of you is a treasure. It's so refreshing! It's no where else online like we have it here. We have a comaradre that is unmatched. I can see why other groups could see us as a threat to them or jealous better still.
I'm not a bit worried about the recruiting. The worthy will come and stay. As they said in Field of Dreams, "If we build it, they will come." So we will always be open to prospecting like Den Den has outlined a few pages back. No one should think or assume anytghing about anyone they approach what outcome it will being to tell them about your opportunity. Exposure is important so we need to spread out and let everyone know. Hey, hey!! Yep, so Becky has our new Field of Dreams with the new forum. Sounds like a great new place to work and play. We have such a great job here everyone and I believe its the most fun that I look forwards to everyday I wake up.
Well BEEsters see you at the new Hive. I'm looking forwards to keeping busy with Becky. She's a hard act to follow but of course I'll have to have one of my own to follow and at least be an act of my own for someone else to follow. Anyone hear an echo (follow, follow , follow?) LOL
God bless everyone
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May the best man win and God bless America!