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11/3/2008 11:01:30 PM

Thank Den, its not just Len that needs #4. I use it most of the time.





11/3/2008 11:07:36 PM
Thanks Thomas, I've been in the super seo submitter and using the tools and it's awesome! The analizer tool is really neat. The site got a score of 84 out of 100 for optimization and there was only one thing that needed attention, well...actually two and I've been working on them as well. Everything else was excellent.

Dennis I will sign and start snooping around the million a month site. I'm always skeptical of anything that pitches a get rich quick sort of thing and I really don't see how that can really happen unless you're a super recruiter and have a huge downline already. But I'll sign up for the trial only on one condition. And that's if they don't attach to my credit card for the trial. That's a big no no with me. I've signed up with things like that before and they make it difficult to get out of the contract before the trial is up. GDI is a good example of that.

I would like to see more hivers coming to and looking around and posting sites that you would like to be investigated. I'll be more than happy to snoop for you. And if you find some extra time it would be great if you would go to some of the scam site forums and post and leave a link for us so we get lots of backlinks coming back to the site. I've been writing until my hands are going numb getting the site finished and I'm going to need some help with the linking back. This will help us get even more traffic. And the traffic that comes in and clicks on the banners we have will help us to make money as well.

Please don't spam the forums with unrelated stuff. Don't just post and try to promote the site, it would be better if you will set up a signature and just post a response to something newsworthy and by all means when you find something worth linking to let me know and I'll link to it on the site.

Thanks for all your help,

Becky and Terry

Oh PS: I almost forgot!
I set us up a group at Anthony's new community so if you're interested in coming in and contributing, I think we'll get lots of new hivers there.
DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
11/4/2008 5:08:08 AM
Here's another new group for us to buzz over to, and it's right here at Adland Pro.
Check it out.
We can start fresh and all of us invite our friends to join.
Hivers: Busy Bees Group and Forum
DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Flag of Kevin Doolittle

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Person Of The Week
11/4/2008 9:45:27 AM
Hi Becky,

Tried to check out your new forum but says "Private." I don't handle rejection very well! LOL



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"Helping others, to help others"

11/4/2008 10:17:59 AM
Hi Becky

Yes Like Kevin says it's a Private Forum.
So i never Bothered to go into it too Deep.


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