Hello again Everyone :) Hope your day is a blessed one.
I appreciate all the great reception from you wonderful peeps.
Today,.. I have something I hope will blow your mind, and it builds off of my previous post about using a single product as a group focus.
Let me first point out a painful truth. Being human we get bored easily. we always want fun and entertainment, and everything else is work. That's just how it is.
Let me tie this in. In my previous post I mentioned how it is scientifically proven that people given too many choices,.. will decide not to choose at all. Think about how you have reacted given several choices,.. do you sift through the choices to get what you want? Usually no. Usually you go where you can get a focused presentation of what you are looking for.
If you lure a person in with an idea, because they want a solution or a benefit, you had better not give them a multiple of choices. How will they know which one to choose? Answer, science says the lack of information will turn them off, and they will leave.
So, when people promote the hive link,.. and people visit the main page, and there are a horde of programs,... they leave. Even if it works a little bit, its not enough, not considering what this group is capable of.
Here is an idea of what COULD happen.
What if the products chosen by hive members to promote each had their own landing page? That way when a product was promoted, conversions would go up because it was the only choice. People would like that. What would the main Hive webpage be for then? Maybe recruiting new members once the income problem was solved. Just an idea.
I have been told that there are 15 members in a group. Theoretically, if 15 people worked on promoting the exact same product, there should bee no stopping them.
If 15 people were all given a different and very important task, all people depending on eachother to fill their important roles, you could cover all these bases in product promotion:
=> Blogging
=> Press Releases
=> Article Marketing
=> YouTube Videos
=> Social networks comments posting
=> email Martketing
=> Skype Marketing
=> Forum Posting
=> Squidoo Lenses
=> HubPages
=> Google Knols
=> Myspace product pages
=> FaceBook Product Pages
=> Google Adwords (hive funded)
=> Yahoo Search Marketing (Hive Funded)
=> Classified Ads
and the list goes on,...
If 15 people were given different and specific roles in each group, the exposure accross all those formats would bring in extreme results. This tactic would work very well if it was all focused on 1 product. If everyone promoted a link to a multiple product page,.. you might get some sales,.. certainly not what was available though.
All of what I have said so far has been a set up.
I am setting you up for a great idea.
I am sure you are aware that big name internet marketers produce products, and to get those products sold, they do product launches. Why do you care? Oh, trust me,... you care :)
I recently purchased a product called The Secret Affiliate Code. This product shows how to use the above list of marketing methods to all produce links and focus on 1 web page. In other words, when 15 people all work on building up links to just 1 page,.. it will hit the #1 position for that keyword very quickly.
Example: 1 hive member makes a page promoting the product being launched, just a few days before it goes live. All members in the group, would then use blogs, email,.. forum post and all the other things on the list,.. all building links pointing toward the 1 product launch page. That page then gets the very top spot in Google for the product name.
At that point the product launches,.. The Hive group makes hundreds of sales,.. and we all get paid.
What if the product launch was for a $1,500 or $2,000 product? Can you see how powerful this could bee?
I personally was offered a beta into a product Mike Filsaime is going to launch soon that will sell for $2,00 to $3,000
if we were to focus, and all take specific jobs and do excellent work, we could dominate the Affiliate Sales, or any other type of product sales.
Thank You For Reading :)
Chris Endres