I hate to be the 'kill joy', when everyone seems to be in agreement with you Dennis. However, we online, are the 'working poor', working at less than slave labor wages in many cases.
Even Suze Orman the 'Wizard of Money', in our current times doesn't think it wise to put all the investment in one basket. You need to take the principle out. In fact, the should be a split 4 ways where we have the first paying ourselves. 2nd, towards tools, 3rd save, 4th invest. Now it goes something like that but I am adamate about putting all towards investing. Not the greatest idea we have not even seen Lee get paid the 'small'amount yet due to her and all the trouble she has gone through with them. I'd find another better reliable place to invest. At least the bank gives interest and you have access to the money.
I for one am tired of virtual $. I want to see money I can touch and smell. Really, ideally it would be great to invest all in a perfect world but its not and we need to protect our hard earned cash in the best way possible.
my suggestion:
Pray for Wisdom with the Money.
God bless,
Every one wants to get paid and needs to get paid not chipmunk style. Altho, I appreciate even a small payment, I know I don't speak for myself. Some of our loved ones are getting very frustrated for us getting hardly anything fior our long hours online.