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Re: Methods for Promoting....
3/19/2008 9:32:29 AM
Hi Carla

Lucky for us Carla Free Advertising.You must have a Bit of the Irish in you.

I tought your inverview with useing Anthony's Talk was kool.
TGAMM radio  Internet Radio  Talk  Radio  If the Audence is a high number
it's a great way to advertise.I see TGAMN  ads alot now so they must be getting

Is Hard to say on air lol with the slashes and colens with a long link.There's always an easier way to skin a cat they say.
How about a Tiny Url  less to say on Air.

And if you forget the URL  in an instant you can make one at

Carla Carey

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Re: Methods for Promoting....
3/19/2008 10:31:17 AM

As a matter of fact my great-grandmother was an O'Riley:) ... I'm just glad I messaged TGAMM that evening.
Thanks for the short url. This next week I will feature LEE BEE ( Lee Smith) . I need to get that scheduled and will keep you updated.
I have learned alot more about advertising in here in the last week than I had in several months. That's because these programs we use for advertising in the Hive make is simple and the team  managers help you all along the way. I am doing my best to help the new members as we work together too, and if anyone needs assistance all they have to do is asky any Hive Member!!
Talk to you soon!
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
3/19/2008 10:55:54 AM
Ok Ok OK HIVERS i'm taking the time just for you because each and every one of you never ask for a Pat on the Back and i think it's high time you got one.

I Love to Blast to the World something that is worth Blasting.

This Blast today is for Hivers : Busy Bees of OUR HIVE TEAM

OK first off (we all know working alone sucks) Agreement on that my guess is for us Hivers at least is 100%

As a team i'm here to say you guys have worked hard and i think also are haveing fun As one of us (A Hive Team Member) From Full member to Temp this is what it's all about.

I am so pleased to see who we got lucky enough to have join us.You guys are people of the net the working class.The X struggling marketers,The people unspoiled and can be saved from the Hype.The top dogs can call me nuts i don't care they can not hold down people that have a concept that finaly pulled then out of the box.THe Sharing concept and equal sares can work if all the members truly beleve and do there part to make it happen.

Let's Take a count of the advantages with the (one account per program plan of attack)Advertised by X amount people.

Besides Many posting the same url to gain more Traffic there so many other adventages it's never ending as long as the team is alive.

Free webspace donated by members,Free advertising donated by members.Free tools donated by members.Free info ,Free conference rooms,free donated pro programs and accounts,Company owners eye balling the team and offereing either free or cut rates.Learning things from other team members in there expert fields,Free motivational speakers,faster traffic to sites,time on our side,being part of a group you injoy.profits no out of pocket expences.

Our Team is up and running with the ball it will not take long to see what we can do on this kind of team.So Hivers you are all a help in your own departments to our team effort.


Re: Methods for Promoting....
3/19/2008 11:09:55 AM
Hi Carla

Thanks for the cool post.i wish i could have more time in a day to help eack of you more but alas i don't have a time machine lol.
But there's always a but  Our managers are covering yor members as well as can be expected.
Come to think about it i'm officely posting for managers that know web design and web codes to be on call for the members.
As the member count increases this will have to be expected.
Ok ppl say we need an offical Hive Webpage Domain name and all.
We'll look into this.If approved it'll come out of our Hive Funds.

Re: Methods for Promoting....
3/19/2008 11:36:21 AM
I can offer some assistance in that area. I can also offer space for the page.
Either a subdomain or domain would work. I write my own codes and can set up scripts and do design. I have over 100 scripts and could find one to work with this
to help automate everything. Domain name would only be about $10 a year.
We need to see what's available. I normally go through godaddy but there's a place we can do this here.

I'd like to help expedite this and get it going asap.
The sooner we get started the sooner we can start to
enjoy the rewards.


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?

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