Group 2 Hive Team Mangagers ...No one has missed any meetings. Pardon me, for this misunderstanding and the very little notice there may have been to try to make an attempt at getting any meeting squeeezed in... ---as it seemed to be in a sense of urgency, that we at least try to get together, as early, as possible. Seeing, as Dave, at the appointed time, (which he had made himself available and no one else was,) we decided that Sunday would not be a day, for such a meeting, to transpire. I suggest, now that since Dave has posted his availability; there is something we can all work around, to come up with something, that will work for everyone. As Len has said , there is a lot to discuss.. So, I urge everyone to look at their schedules carefully. I know that Robin will not be available, after Tuesday. Monday, may be bad for me at 9:00 pm Eastern, as I have a commitment. We have a very limited time and short window in the week for everyone to get together. I know that I am not the only one of the Hive Team Group 2 Managers, who is just as anxious to pull together and have something to present to Our Hive Team as a whole. We want to really have a great portfolio to present Our Hive Team. Group 1 has set the standard for Our Hive Team and we know what the challenge here is and we are all up for it. This I know, I can speak for all 5 Group 2 Hive Team Managers.
We ROCK Hive Team Group 2 and I see the vision of what is to come for Our Hive Team! Isn't this exciting!! I'm not worried and believe we will all pull together at the best time for all of us. It's meant to bee! Thank you Beez, for reading.
God bless,