Hi Terry, wow what a post.. I feel for you with all of that. Having a little puppy and trying to train him with another dog could almost sound like the 3 & 4 year old here at my house... it's trying, for sure..
I know you are undergoing some connectivity issues at present but you really are working and doing an excellent job.
The surfing has caused some issues with the computer operation and navagation. At the same token I am at least trying to get through the required number to do just as you say, earn.
I love the sites we have for surfing and it's just ashame that when we participate we encounter issues. I get more people asking me if ASD is having troubles. I am not upgraded in ASD as everyone, and I think their uncle knows, and... well, I guess some are doing excellent but for me it was all about the exposure when I signed on... it would have been nice for me to be able to do it. I hope things there get fixed soon.
I want to stick with things that are working.
I'm glad you posted. There seems to be some members having availability issues these days too but we are to hang in there as this too shall pass.
The HIVE is all of us - Hired Itself Variety and Equality (HIVE).
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