It has been a tough week for me, adjusting to the newest family member. 'Xooma Doggie' & 'Boy' play pretty rough so there's plenty of time outs and refereeing going on in the house plus potty training.
To top it off I've had to go from the biggest isp out there with wireless broadband. Today was most trying of all. I managed to get ASD finally surfed from starting at 7:00 this morning. I had written to support and put in a trouble ticket which they answered from last night. I had a new isp address conflicting with the one they had and had to keep putting in not only a new password and touring number but a pin as well. None worked well until a short while ago of which I needed only 5 sites to get my ROI for the day. To say the least, I never saw such a big deal to get $.40 in my life, tense. lol
I'll be putting more ads out again starting on Tuesday going by what works.
Becky, that's about it with me. So, we're having our different struggles. I see we'll miss you on skypie. I'm going to try to get more one on one contacts and see about getting growth in our team.
TGIF !!! Woo hooo!!
God bless,