Peter, Jim & Anamaria - and Bogdan. I am not one to complain (much) but I can tell you why there has not been any more participation in the Photo Contest of the week. It is too confusing. I have been active in it for many months and always participated. Well, friends, I cannot even FIND it anymore. I entered a photo right before John & Pauline gave it up. That photo never showed up anywhere that I could find.
Now, this is not a simple task here to put this forum together and keep it going as John & Pauline can attest to and I appreciate all your efforts and being newbies there are bound to be trials before it is smoothed out. I do not default any of you.
May I make a suggestion? Start a NEW FORUM or NEW THREAD, make it simple. Have one thread simply - PHOTO ENTRIES. The other - PHOTO VOTING. It needs refreshing, there are too many pages of posts and very confusing for new and older members. If you (3 musketeers) are to be in charge begin your own photo contest. Call it what you wish. You might be very suprised to see it grow quickly into a large membership.
Many of you are much smarter than I and maybe can come up with better solutions but I really hate to see this project go. It was also helping to support our members photo section and for one I looked forward to entering and voting and seeing members' photos.
Well, here's to you, I will certainly give my support for a NEW PHOTO FORUM!! In the meantime, I will keep promoting our EXPRESSIONS OF NATURE and loving presenting the POET OF THE MONTH. Also, CANDLE OF LOVE and CANDLE OF LOVE II are some others we promote. All in being friends, supporting love and helping others.
God bless you all and HAVE A GREAT DAY!
