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Jim Allen

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Person Of The Week
3/2/2008 6:10:50 PM

Hello Folks,

Sara and Patricia's comments are noted.

For folks having trouble with the nominations forum it is located here

Each week there is a New Poll and each week we announce the winner of the previous week in the new Voting Poll  Like so

As we are trying to build the membership in both POTW's may I suggest that that you send a Friend Request Here

All the POTW Forums are located here

Please be sure to Join the Forums you wish to keep track of and hopefully help solve the confusion some folks seem to have.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Sarah Pritchard

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3/6/2008 9:21:44 AM
Hello folks!

I've been away and am catching up on messages and forums.

I received a message telling me that the Photo of the Week contest was defunct.

This is not strictly true, as I have found out here.

Nevertheless, it is not what it was!

I agree with Sara and Patricia.

I found the photo comp because I'd posted a photo in a forum and someone suggested that I put it in the comp. I didn't really know anything about the comp and asked how one went about putting in a photo. She replied that she didn't know but was sure that there would be instructions.

On investigating, I found the forum and I found the instructions. I followed the instructions and began entering my photos in the comp. I also tried to encourage others to do the same or to vote.

The point of my story here is that I had a number of replies from people who would have liked to enter their photos but couldn't work out how to do so.  Some also said that they wanted to vote but couldn't work out how to do that.

We are all busy people  here and when something is confusing or complicated, people give up and get on with something else. This is really backing up what Sara said, I know, but I wanted to emphasise that there was confusion and the contest wasn't easy to find.

I too, in the changeover period nominated a photo, but it got lost somewhere.

Bogdan's generous prize money was an incentive, but with no incentive there, I don't know if numbers of participants will increase either in nominations or voters.

There is no incentive to vote either. In Person of the Week, there is an incentive to vote.  One may become VOTW.

Were we aware that the prize money may suddenly stop if the number of participants wasn't enough. It is a fair enough reason for stopping the prize money. I understand that, but I felt that there was something not quite right about the abrupt ending of the prize with no warning.

If there was a warning and I missed it, then I take back what I just said.

I realise that you folks take time and energy to put into the two POTWs and I am not having a go at you or your efforts, but I do feel that there needs to be some incentives, if anyone has any ideas. I also think that many people didn't really know about the photo comp. or found it all very confusing.

Voila. I've put in my pennyworth, my thoughts on the subject.

I hope people will continue to participate. This is a good idea.

Hope I haven't bored you all to death!!!

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Jim Allen

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3/6/2008 11:02:43 AM

Folks, please be sure to provide the link to the location of the photo.

Rules (Some new):

1. Only the photographer can nominate his or her photo. We've had problems with photos getting nominated that don't even belong to the person who has it in their gallery. We only want the photographer nominating their own photos because we don't want legal problems in case someone was to win who didn't own the photo nominated. The person who nominates their photo must attest to being the owner of the photo.

2. Photo must be posted here at AdlandPro's Gallery.

3. Photo should appropriate for the contest, no objectible material.

4. You can nominate a photo from a previous week if it didn't win. We want to give everyone a chance to win.

5. You can only make one nomination per week.


The winner of the Photo of the Week contest will get $50 cash (from Bogdan the CEO of AdlandPro) and will have their photo displayed some where at AdlandPro, probably at the photo gallery.

All of the above is posted here on the Nominations forum front page.


Your Suggestions are Welcome as this page is in it's own thread in the FOTO Fun Forum

Winners are announced along with the latest poll in the same forum.

Activity in these Threads Keeps them at the top of the forum.

Here is the latest Winner and Poll thread  and if you Notice there is a link to the Nomination forum very near the top of the page.  That states the following "The Nominations forum for the:  Photo of the Week Contest! Is Located Here ------>>>  "

We send announcements out and try and participate in the conversations as much as possible.

Please send your suggestions for further simplifying or highlighting the process to us.  We want you to be happy and make it easy for you to keep up.

We are sorry that the Prize is no longer monetary.  However the Winning picture is featured here at ALP and the owner is Honored and their profile page link is posted for the week.  So Exposure Happens for the Winners.  I believe that is a mighty fine prize myself.  Try to buy an ad for week and you have a monetary value with this PRIZE.

Thanks for your time.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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3/6/2008 12:16:05 PM
Hello Audrey,

Sorry for the delay in replying to your question.

The rules are all written at he front of the nominating forum.but since you are new to it all I'll explain the process which is fairly simple.

You have to upload the picture you want to nominate into your photo gallery in Adland. Once you do that you nominate your picture in the nominating forum giving it a title, the link from the photo gallery and paste the pic in the forum.

Voila, that's all there is to it.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Person Of The Week
3/6/2008 12:45:32 PM
Hello Sarah, Pat & Sara,

Since you all have similar complaints and ideas I hope you don't mind that I answer only once rather then to each of you individually.

I see that Jim gave you all the link to the nomination thread. We started a new one when we took over BUT all the pics that were nominated in the old thread were entered into the first contest that we ran.

I'm trying to understand what the difficulty is in finding the nominating thread.

1. We send out reminders to nominate pics and if you were a member in the forum you should receive the notifications.

2. If you didn't for some reason receive a notification all you have to do is go to the Foto Fun! Photography With A Twist forum and the nominating thread is listed there.

3. I would recommend that you click on the favorites icon if you are not members of the forum and you'll definitely get all the notifications.

4. This forum is listed in the recommended forums on every Adlander's home page. If you have a problem finding us after all the above. Scroll down to the bottom of your home page and you'll find a link to the forum.

All the notifications for the Photo of the Week go out as Photo of the Week. We might possibly add POTW2 too.

All the instructions are written at the beginning of the nominations thread. Please read them if you aren't sure about anything.

In regard to the $50 prize for the winners. Bogdan was kind enough to reward the winners of the contest for quite a while. When it became obvious that not enough members were participating both in the voting and nominations he decided that the incentive wasn't working. As I wrote we hope that if the interest grows as we anticipate he will change his mind.

The contest is basically for the enjoyment of the members and the satisfaction that your pic won and that it is featured for a week should in itself be sufficient for the member that won.

There are other contests in Adland that have no monetary reward and the only reward is in the winning. This contest has the added value of being featured in the Adland Photo Gallery for a week. That my friends is exposure any way you look at it.

Thanks for your interest.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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