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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Lingvo Club: Our great friend Jim Allen III
1/26/2008 4:29:46 PM

Dearest Ana Maria, our amazing Romanian WEB-friend!

Thank You joining Lingvo Club and best wishes to Jim Allen III!

Power members are needing our help also!

For You, Ana Maria, Russian song:

((youtube id="Oz_W_ZKouno"))((/youtube))

Your Russian WEB-friend, Lydia



Lydia Fokina

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Re: Lingvo Club: Our great friend Jim Allen III
1/26/2008 4:47:31 PM

Dearest Pauline, wonderful lady from India, Power Member of AdLandPro! Awesome to see You here!

For You and for all visitors nice movie about India:

((youtube id="W3GQXvKGWK4"))((/youtube))

Thank You for joining Lingvo Club, warmest regards from Russia!

Your WEB-friend, Lydia


Re: Lingvo Club: Our great friend Jim Allen III
1/26/2008 5:11:48 PM
Hey there Jim,

Congrats on being featured here. I hope you have a wonderful time! Also, are you awake? I hope so.. LOL!!

Peace Out

Caitlinn Hagar ~ gamegirlracing

Lydia Fokina

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Re: Lingvo Club: Our great friend Jim Allen III
1/26/2008 5:29:29 PM

Hey Gregg! Welcome to Lingvo Club, our Canadian friend!

Above Canada the sky is dark blue, along birches rains are slanting, though it is similar to Russia, only all not Russia...

For You Russian song "Why birches do rustle so in Russia "

((youtube id="AVYfG-88AhM"))((/youtube))

To joint success! Lydia

P.S. Don't forget to take part in POTW forum please!


Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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Re: Lingvo Club: Our great friend Jim Allen III
1/26/2008 6:01:45 PM

Dearest Dimitra, our beautiful Greek WEB-friend!


Nice to see You here!

For You, Dimitra, Russian choral art! (Our Belgium's friend Robert sent me link)

Here are two short extracts of an exceptional record of Russian choral work (which includes anonymous ancient liturgical chant, popular folk songs, and music by well known Russian choral composers, such as Tchesnokov and Gretchaninov), introducing some of the lowest voices in the world. The two singers here are Vladimir Pasuikov and, with an even lower voice, Viktor Wichniakov, one of the most famous Basso Profondo, who are unique to Russian singing. Their vocal range is at least one octave below the normal bass range (think Paul Robeson). In the first extract the bass hits the low Ab1; in the second the bass hits a G1. Not only do they possess the lowest notes of any choral singer, but the soloists have such full voices that the effect is immediately striking.
Enjoy those exceptional samples of the magnificent Russian choral art!

((youtube id="6WpD2Cspn6g"))((/youtube))

From Russia with love, Lydia

P.s. You wrote"Dear Lydia, today I learnt in a hard way that when we make a new forum  here and click the "notify all members" button, this means that only a few will be notified for the existence of this forum. I was pretty sure that all my 994 friends would be notified! Better late than never but I'm sorry I made my good friend Branka unhappy."

As far I understand, You made new thread in Branka's forum

If anybody makes new thread in not own forum, nobody will be notified, as far I know.

It will be better, if B. will make new thread in her forum, then all members will be notified automatically, and then You or anybody else can assist her to monitor thread



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