
Who is Cait Hagar?

Cait Hagar

Cait Hagar
BirthdayTuesday, June 14, 1994
Member SinceThursday, August 9, 2007
Last ActivitySaturday, May 16, 2009
LocationLas Vegas, Nevada, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hey everyone, I am Cait, I am 14 y/o from Las Vegas! I am home schooled. Math is not my favorite subject, I would rather do sociology. My preference for reading material is real life stuff about animals, plants, and bugs. I mod at my parent’s forums, and I blog (I’m getting pretty good at it, if you ask me).
I’m starting to really enjoy blogging, now that I am getting much better at doing it. I’ve been learning all about keywords and how to use them to your advantage, and let’s just say, I’m defiantly using them to my advantage. Lolz
I love animals also. I do dog walking, dog sitting, baby sitting, and other odd jobs for neighbors. I believe working for your money is far more importation and means more, then if you just have it giving to you.
My dogs, Zed and Tomarra are also blogging, pretty cool, huh? I’ve not seen too many blogger pups. Sometimes I get jealous, I think they write better then I do.
You could say I’m a very honest person, and slightly sarcastic. It’s in my DNA. Haha!
Peace, love and be happy, life’s much better that way.
My Interests
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Industries: MLM
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Joelees Wholesale - (10/13/2007 10:07:48 AM) : Hi Caitlinn,
Having a great weekend,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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