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James Wright

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/26/2008 7:36:13 PM

Hey Nick, How right you are my friend. They say a picture says a thousand words. In this case the combination says a thousand words!!

Judy Smith

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/27/2008 9:14:07 PM

Hi james,

Thank you for this.  I have read through your post all twice.  I will have to digest some of it.  I must say that I see something different every time I read the scriptures.  It is so amazing to me how new words are added - or appear.

I will be reading through it all again, and then i will return to post again.

I really appreciate all the work you put into these posts.  I do love reading them, and though the absorption of the meanings takes a  while of seeping for me, I know that you must spend hours assembling it all.

THANKS and many blessings!!


Laila Falck

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/28/2008 10:54:52 AM
    Hi and thank you James.

I see that sometimes you interpret the Bible literally and sometimes not. I am a person to rely on my intellect and I interpret the Bible mostly symbolically and sometimes fully according to what science says.That is alright with you, I hope. I believe in just one miracle, and that is the Immaculate birth of Christ.Today I learned something new, though at first I said to myself, I cannot understand that "emptiness", especially after you pointed out ,that the devil was chained..Now I do, so here we go:                                                                                                       you say that the righteous have gone to heaven, and the dead are in the graves, that the earth is therefore empty and this is also backed up by the Jeremiahs verse. The devil is in its pit.
I understand that this is understood literally, by you.Many would believe this. It seems so obvious. That is ,that you think the heaven is meant the sky above us.
How about this then:
Since I   believe that the Biblical heaven is inside us, in the form of love, that the Kingdom of God is to be planted in our hearts, and meeting in the air is to be understood as meeting in the spirit, I can not accept this literal interpretation which you have presented.
Moreover I believe many other things that makes it absolutely impossible for me to believe these sayings as anything but God's way to make us look into our own hearts. I believe He wants us to find out whether we wish to be filled with love from His wondrous Kingdom of heavenly bliss and joy or if we want to
believe in things that is contrary to natural laws. Whether  we prefer miracles.
We do not even have to die the physical death in order to be in this heaven inside us. Some people think we have to. Priests are teaching this.
I think He wants us to look for the true death which I mentioned above, and that it is to die to the world and all its fleeting imagery and hold to the blissful joy of His invisible realms.

I have this view, not because I want to be "modern" and "intellectual" because it reduces quarrels,irritation and animosity. And the purpose of religion is to cultivate union and peace
. There will be less disagreements and irritation when we,generally and as much as possible!!! use the method of studying the Bible in a symbolic way .
I acknowledge that you are right in that one should always write down the specific verses to back one's statements. You are quite right.                                                                                            Still I hold as true that one can also drive with one's own energy that has already been installed by the divine Physician . Concerning heaven I do not need to back it up , because it is so selfevident that Jesus was and is a specialist Physician of sad hearts, which He transformed into heaven for the ones who believed in Him.
And now, a few lines I often tell people  around here and who do not believe in God:. God has made the material sky come down all the way  to the soil of the earth. This in itself is a sign for us, if we want to ponder upon it. SO,We are already in the invisible realm, aren't we.!!!!We move about in the invisible, we breathe what is invisible, we so to say, are in the sky already, think of that! Only the bottom of our feet touch the soil.
I have just used my own energy, my independence too.
Bye for now
Kind regards from
"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith
James Wright

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/28/2008 1:36:39 PM

Laila, I see you are a deep thinker. What you say is partially true. However, the other part says, you are doubting my presentation. I certainly agree with you that the figurative heaven could be in our hearts as love, however, the heavens which are above us is basically the air we breathe, and the rain that falls comes from heaven. Clouds are another phenomenon that only God could make to happen. Who else in all their infinite wisdom could come up with the right combination to make the rain fall? Men have tried to seed clouds to try to produce rain, but it is very costly to do this, and most of the time it does not work. Heaven is basically the sky above us which leads into the mystical maze of stars and galaxies which go beyond my comprehension. We can start talking light years, and the length of time it takes for light to go from the sun to earth. Yet, if the earth were knocked off it's spinning axis just one or two degrees, we would either freeze to death or we would die from the heat. And then there is Orion. Do you know about this constellation of stars and the meaning behind it?

Laila, I am not finished with this presentation, so remember, there are more texts coming that will hopefully clear your mind a little. I have broken it down into several parts because there is so much to digest. I have tried to make it a little easier that way.

Thank you for your input Laila, and have a beautiful day!

Laila Falck

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/28/2008 4:38:29 PM
    Hi James

I am here again just to give the Bible quotation I mentioned a  chapter and a verse. The quote is (translated from my Swedish Bible):" At that time men will seek death, but will not be able to find it; they will want to die, but death will escape them." This is to be read in Rev 9:6.
As I said   this most likely means people that "at that time" do not have faith enough to die to the world and live in God. Also: "the one who loses his life shall regain it", that is,dies to the world through faith and living in God through Jesus. This is the same thing.  That is, live in or through Gods good faith while losing every attachment to the material world. The world is as dead for you . You die to the world.
As I can not find any connection between Jeremiahs verses 4:23-27and the ones in Revelation  20:1-3 I am much tempted to regard the deserted earth spoken of by Jeremiah as a symbolic showing of a dead religion. The old Mosaic faith hath seen many Prophets who try again and again to revive and reform  it, OK?            So I see a wide scenery showing no lights of priestly guidance, because of their bigotry, and no heights or hills of learning . You see, SOIL, is for me the soil of the soul where God plants his faith with the seeds of the Spirit. Fertile land is thus for me spiritual rejoicing and heavenly gladness, a sound faith in God, receiving His RAINS of blessings. This is the organic way of thinking. It is for me the religious way of thinking. This almost always symbolical.  It doesn't exclude  literal understanding , sometimes.
I do regard nature as a book where God's signs are planted for us to understand as  a religious language. It is His Revelation of His attributes and this is an endless language. Signs of God's endlessness or infinite Being are for exemple the sand along the shores of His great oceans. At least we cannot count them. The ocean itself or this firmament above us, arefor me  signs of His fathomless Words, inexhaustible in meanings.
We  ourselves are like the drops of the ocean, bound together with the power of unison and harmony. Sometimes the poet would say, we
are the drops. But who would mind.
Just like a painter expresses himself with paint, a dancer makes movements to show his/her inner feelings, a singer sings, for joy or longing. I feel free to use nature like this. It serves my understanding, it serves my thankfulness for God's nature, and gives me peace and freedom.
But I am alsogoing to learn that I shall always give the quotations when necessary and you are asking for it. I promise.

Take care
Bye for now
"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith

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