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James Wright

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Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/25/2008 8:41:33 PM

Hi Friend, Let's continue this series which I began back in November. To refresh your memory, here's the link to Part I:


With that being said, here is part II of the Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium. May God bless you as you study these scriptures!


John 5:28,29  Malachi 4:1-3  The Bible foretells two distinct resurrections

1 Thessalonians 4:16  The resurrection of the righteous, occurs at the second coming of Christ and ushers in the millenium

Revelation 20:5,15  The resurrection of the wicked, will take place at the close of the 1000 years (millenium)

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17   At Christ's second coming the resurrected ones, together with the righteous living, will be taken to heaven, there to reign with Him during this period


2 Thessalonians 2:8  Jeremiah 25:31-33  The wicked will be slain at the second coming of Christ

Jeremiah 4:23-27  The earth is uninhabited during this time

Revelation 20:1-3  With the saints in heaven, and the wicked dead upon the earth, Satan is bound by a chain of circumstances, locked in a bottomless pit and locked with a seal for 1000 years with no one to tempt


There is alot of information for you to digest here, so this is far enough for now. I will be looking for your positive input, and again, if you have more texts you'd like to share with us here, please feel free to do so.  Have a great Friday evening, what's left of it!



Steven Suchar

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/25/2008 8:46:52 PM
"Thank You James For Your Personal Share"

James Wright

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/25/2008 8:56:39 PM

Hi Steven, thanks for stopping by. Cool graphic. Have a great evening!

Terry Gill

51 Posts
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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/25/2008 11:33:09 PM


I know you've spent a lot of time for this post, and I could, likewise, spend hours and do the research necessary to correct your misconceptions herein, like, for instance, the one about people other than the 144,000 going to heaven when they die, which is not what the Bible REALLY teaches (I was taught the same thing when I was a part of christendom), but it really wouldn't matter because, before you or anyone else reading this forum can start to understand the truth, you must recognize the importance of using Jehovah God's holy name, which was once in the Bible over 7,000 times, and you must understand the paramount issue which is above all others, which was raised in the Garden of Eden by Satan and Adam and Eve, and the primary reason for which God's son, Jesus Christ, came to the earth; that is, to vindicate Jehovah's sovereignty, His sole right to rule over the earth, which was challenged by Satan.  Our salvation was of secondary importance.

Until one develops the right heart condition and understands this supreme issue, one cannot and will not be granted the insight to understand the truth concerning other issues herein.

On the use of Jehovah's holy name, please note the following scriptures:

Ps. 83:18, "That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth."

Ps. 113: 1, 2 & 3, "Praise Jah, YOU people!  Offer praise, O YOU servants of Jehovah, Praise the name of Jehovah.  May Jehovah’s name become blessed From now on and to time indefinite.  From the rising of the sun until its setting Jehovah’s name is to be praised."

Malachi 2: 1 & 2, "And now this commandment is to YOU, O priests.  If YOU will not listen, and if YOU will not lay [it] to heart to give glory to my name," Jehovah of armies has said, "I shall also certainly send upon YOU the curse, and I will curse YOUR blessings. Yes, I have even cursed the [blessing], because YOU are not laying [it] to heart."

Malachi 3:16, "At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name."

Romans 10:13, "For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved."

Hebrews 6: 10, "For God is not unrighteous so as to forget YOUR work and the love YOU showed for his name, in that YOU have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering."

There are many, many more scriptures that stress the importance of using Jehovah God's holy, sacred name.

Terry Gill

James Wright

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Re: Second Coming of Christ and the Millenium...Part II
1/26/2008 7:18:14 AM

Hi Terry, hope your new year is treating you well my friend. As far as a misconception about the 144,000 goes, it is my understanding that this is a figurative number and not a literal one. If this was a literal number, all the witnessing that you Jehovah's Witness's do by going and knocking on peoples doors trying to spread the word would be in vain.

Terry, you are a Jehovah's Witness, and you are a part of Christendom, so I'm not quite sure where you are coming from with all these misconceptions.  Furthermore, this discussion topic is not related to  Jehovah God with respect to what you are talking about. My faith is firmly grounded on the Word of God, the Bible, and for you to say that I do not have the right heart condition is not for you to judge. How about if we let Jehovah God do the judging for now. Let me give you just a little insight about my past. I used to date a Jehovah's Witness, and she had a very deep understanding of the Word of God, for which I had a healthy respect. Anyway, she is no longer with us, bless her soul.

I could do a complete Bible study on the use of God's Name, and more on the Garden of Eden, but that is not the topic of discussion here. Let's try to keep this topic on the Second Coming of Christ, and the Millenium please.

Have a Great Saturday!

PS: Thanks for sharing the Bible texts!  Most of those are relevant.
