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Linda Thorne

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Let's have some fun
1/23/2008 2:11:57 PM

I wanted to start this forum, because many of us serious marketers who work so long and so hard, that we forget to take time out of our busy schedules to play. I want this to be fun, give us a short break from our work day, and to be a advertisement free zone where we can just relax.

What Was Your Best Childhood Vacation?

I grew up in a small province called New Brunswick. The community that I lived in was so small, that if you included all the dogs, cats, chickens, cows and horses in the population count, you might come up with 100.

 When I was eight, my parents, along with my brother ,sister and I took a six week vacation. It involved a '72 Plymouth Duster and an tent trailer. We traveled across Canada to Northern Alberta, to visit relatives. We spent eight hours a day couped up in the car, stopping on the side of the hi-way each day around noon, to have a picnic lunch. What made this trip so special was that my parents spent many hours planning the trip. They had preplanned our route and what great places to stop at along the way.

Through this vacation, I was able to view just a few of the wonderful places this country has to offer. We stopped at wax and train museums, and I got to see great sights like Niagara Falls, Lake Superior, The Rockie Mountains, how hilly and heavily forested Ontario was, and then how empty, vast and flat the Prairies were.

One place that we missed out on though were the Alberta Badlands. My father was looking forward to be able to view this desert area located in Southern AB. Many dinosaur fossils had been found there. However, my mother is terrified of snakes, and because there was a very remote possibility that she might come in contact with a rattlesnake, she didn't bother mentioning the exit until we were two hours past it.

This trip was an awesome experience, and I am glad that I had this opportunity.

Just as a note, I now live in Southern AB, and have gone to the Badlands many times. My first time there, I took 85 pictures and then sent them back home so that my father would have an idea of what they look like.

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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Let's have some fun
1/23/2008 3:11:10 PM

Hello Linda,

Lovely idea.

My parents were very poor as my father had been discharged from the army before the end of World War II with severe stomach problems. He was serving in Palestine and the sand caused irritation resulting in a stomach ulcer.

As he could only do clerical work he was eventually find himself working as a buyer in a large company. As they had little money we enjoyed days out which were always made interesting but holidays were out of the question.

When I was about 9 years old my father was given a tent. My father offered to take me on holiday with him to the Isle of White. The Isle of White is very historic and has every type of coastal beach/scenery, castles, old villages an incredible mixture for such a small place.

Although we had little money we loved to walk. We spent time exploring although the first few days were wet. The tent leaked and we had to spread fat on the seams to make the water run down instead of dripping on to us. We had great fun. We drank tea with tinned condensed milk in as Dad had been used to that in the army.

That was the most time that I ever spent with my father and I still value that. I visited places that dad had been to as a young lad and he obviously enjoyed showing me and remembering as well.

A very simple vacation but one that was special.

Hope this is interesting to you and that you enjoy it.



Linda Thorne

30 Posts
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Re: Let's have some fun
1/23/2008 3:23:05 PM

Thank you Roger for sharing that. I did find it very interesting.

Sometimes, the best times are just being able to spend time with the ones we love, and doing things that cost little, or no money like a weekend camping, fishing, boating, or even spending time checking out a botanical garden.


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Carol Carr

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Re: Let's have some fun
1/23/2008 5:25:49 PM
Hi Linda , Thanks for the invite !! My Most favorite Childhood memory !! I have plenty of good memories but I guess my most favorite would be traveling from Fredericton every summer to "Nanny's" for 2 weeks vacation in Advocate Nova Scotia which is located on the shore of the Bay of Fundy. We would leave Fredericton and before we were 15 minutes on the road my brother would ask "are we there yet?". At that time a 4 hour drive for us seemed like 40 hours. Upon arrival my brother would be at the brook with his fishing rod and we would hardly seem him during that next 2 weeks.

Dad has 9 siblings so there could be anywhere from 25 to 50 people at any given time for a meal. Mom said her vacation started when we arrived back home. LOL Nanny did not have running hot water , it was heated by wood and can you imagine the dishes. Of course Nan didn't believe in a light lunch either , it was meat , potatoes and veg at both lunch and supper. Oh yah Breakfast , it was a delightful meal , as kids we thought we were heaven . Oatmeal, cream of wheat , bacon, eggs ,fresh  fried trout , fried potatoes you name it she had it. She spent weeks preparing for this 2 week period , cookies , donuts , cakes , fresh berries ,pies,home made white and brown bread plus rolls. As kids we thought we were in heaven.

Most of us kids slept outside in tents. We spent many hours at the brook either fishing or swimming in the company of cousins. One great activity was when we went to the beach to dig clams. I can see us now  when I close my eyes ,all of us kids on the mud flats , in our bathing suit sliding in the mud or having mud fights. What an adventure. Most evenings we would have a huge fire, roasting marshmellows, hot dogs and steamed clams . Guitars and singing ! To this day my favorite activity along with my husband and Children is time spent on a beach.,total relaxation , the sound of the waves. Heaven !!!

Have a great Evening !


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Linda Thorne

30 Posts
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Re: Let's have some fun
1/23/2008 5:31:34 PM
Thank you for sharing that wonderful memory with us. When you got to the food part, I wanted to start packing up and heading East, so that I would be all ready to go fishing for brook trout in the spring. lol.
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