About Me
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About Me
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Hi Everyone , I live in Sussex N.B. Canada with my husband Greg and Daughter Laura Ann. My husband drives truck and daughter is in Grade 10. Our son is in the Air Force based out of Cold Lake Alberta. We were just blessed with a new Grand daughter and of course are very excited over this . We all love to camp. Swimming , hiking, biking are just a few of our loved activities. Also the quiet time of relaxing reading a book or playing a game of crib. As a family we all have a great concern for the environment . Make the world safer, cleaner, healthier, and wealthier - one household at a time. What a ripple effect we can have! Session data Session data
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Ancestry, Family, Friends, Kids, Lifestyle, Parenting, Religion, Romance, Schools, Cards and Games, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Puzzles, Collecting, Shopping, Jokes and Quotes, Magic, Writing, Art, History, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry, Painting, Pop Culture, Movies and Film, TV, Audio/Video, News, Current Events, Radio, Music, Lotteries, Biking, Cars, Travel, Golf, Fishing, Gardening, Nature, Camping, Hiking, Dogs, Horses, Other Pets, Cats, Birds, Fish, Small Pets, Swimming, Bowling, Tennis, Basketball, Skiing, Baseball
Industries: Advertising, Direct Selling, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Investing, Homemaking, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP