Hi Luella, Coretta was indeed a very courageous woman. Those of us born in the forties were brainwashed by what we were taught in church and in school. This is why I have as my signature "Truth in Advertisement, friends first, business later." In part, it means be truthful in what you sell. This includes History and News. When we read about the inventor of the Cotton Gin, Eli Whitney, our books back than showed a white man with a predominant Afro hair due. I asked my teacher one day what color he was. She replied, pointing at his picture, "White. Why? What color do you think he was?" My reply was, "An Afro on a white man? Why would a white man want to make a machine that would make the work easier and less painful for the slaves?" She stuttered and replied, "Why, to get more production, of course." I stood up, walked to the front of the class, threw my book in the trash can, shook my head and walked out of class saying, "If you can't teach me the TRUTH, I'll find someone that can." We need to all find the truth in our hearts, not in books that were written by people that wrote what they wanted you to believe to be the truth. Every race of human being on this Earth is first, Human, and being human we all have feelings. Before we prejudge another human being we must first think of how it would feel if they pre judged us. I have seen the signs that said Whites Only or Blacks only. I boarded a bus when I was at Fort Lee Virginia, going back to Massachusetts where I lived at the time. This was 1984. I saw a friend sitting at the back of the bus and went to sit with him. The driver would not start the bus until I came towards the front of the bus. I asked why, even though my friend had already told me. He said that the blacks were not allowed to sit in the front of the bus. I almost got kicked off the bus because the majority of the people on the bus were military. As I sat down next to an Army Captain {White} I said, "Do you mean to tell me that my friend is allowed to DIE for his country, but he's not allowed to sit in the front of the bus?" I received a round of applause from the black people on the bus, but the driver came back and spoke to the Captain saying, "Sir, you are going to have to keep the sargeant quiet or he is going to have to leave." GOD has commanded us to Love Thy neighbor as ye Love Thyself. What is it about this commandment that Christians do not seem to understand. If you are Black, Spanish, Oriental, or whatever I love you, not only because it has been commanded but rather because I have no reason not to. Let us all work hard to make that DREAM come true for us all.
MIKEhttp://lordofthebellyrings.tripod.com http://countryvalues65.tripod.com http://www.myspace.com/familyvalues65.tripod.com Come and join a brand new community http://yagatta.com/signup/friend_YagattaknowMike
I recently nominated Shirley for Distinquished Woman Of The Week at Joe Lees new forum. Will someone please go there and second the nomination? Thank You/