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Luella May

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1/21/2008 12:29:49 PM

In Memory of

John Elliott

The Corner 4 Women


Women of Courage

Each week we will honor a woman that has truly made a difference by her contributions, courage, love, and selflessness, despite facing insurmountable obstacles and adversities. Women honored will consist of women in politics, famous women, household names, and also women who you have never heard of, yet by their lives changed the world.

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This week's Women of Courage show will be aired on Wednesday, January 23rd at 4:00 pm EST.

Call in number (347) 205-9063

We introduce to you our marvelous Team who adds quality and expertise to Women of Courage.

AdlandPro's very own Women of Courage:

Carla Cash

Pauline Raina 

Branka Babic

Our very own Man of Courage

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Our Sweethearts of Courage

Shirley Caron

Michael Caron

As the United States, and actually the World, puts this day aside to celebrate the life of one of the greatest heroes ever known to mankind, what better person for Women of Courage to feature than the Woman that stood beside him......  The very woman that could have said..... stop!  I am suffering too much!  But instead, sharing his dream, gave her husband to us, in the end paying the ultimate price.  What greater love than this?  What greater gift than this?

I present to you.....


Coretta Scott King

April 27, 1927 - January 30, 2006

We gazed on this regal lady after her husband was assassinated.  I looked at her with admiration.  What a heroine!  There she was standing straight and tall at her husband's funeral.  Yet.... did we notice her broken heart?  Did we notice her grief?  The eyes are the windows to the soul, and it was whenever we caught a glimpse of her eyes through the camera lens, that we saw her true sadness. 

What had Coretta Scott King really gone through as her husband fought for the rights of his people, as he fought for his dream?  Actually it was her dream too.  Yet, when we saw a man of courage, when we saw a great man never wavering in the fight for freedom, in the fight of equal rights for his people, Coretta Scott King, saw the young man that she once promised to cherish and love.  She saw an ordinary man.  She saw her husband. 

How we take for granted the humanity of such people, of our heroes.  Because to us they become super heroes and we so much depend on them.  Yet our heroes are people just like you and me.  They hurt just like we do.  I think of the hurt and inner trauma she must have experienced as her husband was attacked, beaten, imprisoned, and so much more time, after time, after time.  Yet, she knew he had a job to do and this was no ordinary job.  His job was to free humanity.  No, that was not a typographical error, or an error in thought or opinion, for by freeing a certain portion of humanity, he freed all of humanity.  Yet she never wavered in her support.  She was that quiet still voice that said.... "Go on.  I love you."  Martin Luther King once wrote this of his wife:  "I am indebted to my wife Coretta, without whose love, sacrifices, and loyalty neither life nor work would bring fulfilment. She has given me words of consolation when I needed them and a well-ordered home where Christian love is a reality." 

I often wondered if he talked about his dream while they were dating.  I often wondered if she knew that one day she would share her husband with the world.  Yet, how hard it must have been when reality struck.  When people didn't say, "Thank you Dr. King!" but instead attacked him verbally, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Did her grief lessen any when honored after his death?  When we set aside a special day to honor her husband?  Or did she think... "Why, why didn't you tell him how much you loved him when he was alive."  Maybe all this could have been avoided and his dream could have been fulfilled. 

Yet, Mrs. King did not abandon her husband's dream after his assassination.  She continued his work, for you see, it was her dream too.  Through her work and love for humanity she became a noted civil rights leader in her own right.  She was an author, singer, and founder of the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia.  She received the Congressional Gold Medal and the Gandhi Peace Prize. 

Coretta Scott King, we thank you for giving your husband to us.  Although his dream is not yet a complete reality, I know that one day all races will be holding hands in true love, respect, and equality.  We thank you for continuing his work.  And most of all, we thank you for giving us your love, because without your love, none of his legacy or your legacy would have been possible.

By Luella May


Pauline Raina

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1/21/2008 12:43:36 PM
Hi Luella and team,

Thank you for yet another awesome feature of a most incredible Lady, whose life we can learn from. True to the saying 'behind every great man is a great woman' she was one.


Coretta Scott King

April 27, 1927 - January 30, 2006


Pauline R
Roger Macdivitt .

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1/21/2008 1:03:16 PM


A great and deserving tribute.


Mary Hannan

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1/21/2008 1:45:40 PM

Hello Luella May & Team,
Another true woman on courage!

1/21/2008 2:27:32 PM

Respect and honor are given to Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wonderful wife, Coretta Scott King.  It was through their efforts and suffering that many changes were made for the better in America. 

Being born and raised in Alabama, all of this took place while I was a young lady just starting out on my own.  In looking back, I can still see the things taking place in my beloved Montgomery.  The church where Dr. King preached his sermons was one I walked by many days going to lunch and back to work.  I marveled at the things taking place right in front of me.  One Sunday a group of us had been to the lake and in coming back into Montgomery, we say overturned cars and fires right on Dexter Avenue.  It was like a war scene and we were frightened.

All working women in Alabama (and probably most of the country) should always feel indebted to Dr. & Mrs. King for their fight for civil rights.  I can tell you for a fact that women were sadly mistreated by employees who always had the advantage of firing you if you did not 'play along'.  I sincerely hope it is much better now than it was back then.

One thing that did end on a really bad note was the fact that our very honorable Governor George Wallace faced defeat because he continued to do 'what the people wanted.'  Gov. Wallace was a friend of mine and a very good person.  He did not hate anyone but he was caught up in defending what he believed his people wanted.  I know to the world he represented and took a stand against acceptance of equality of white and blacks.  It was a detrimental choice he made.  If only he had chosen to do what was in his heart rather than what the majority of Alabama citizens wanted, he would be honored also.

Growing up in South Alabama, I never understood why we had separate water fountains and bathrooms.  I would question my parents about it and they would say that was just the way the politicians wanted it or the rich folks.  They always taught me to never mistreat anyone no matter what color they were, we were all brothers and sisters in Christ.  It would break my heart to see Blacks mistreated or anyone for that matter because it happened many times to needy people, no matter what color.

Well, I am sorry to have gone on like this and I hope you feel no disrespect because of my post.  I believe that if all went to Heaven, they are all joining hands now and I pray that they did and we will meet again someday.

This candle is in memory of all the wonderful people who helped shape our future. 

